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samlutzman and richardjohn [busted/cleared] BG

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:02 am
by shambles999


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 12357316
Game 12393913
Game 12406899


Samlutzman has only played/is playing 4 games. 3 of these are with/have been with richardjohn. In the completed game 12357316 they didn't attack each other's neighbouring continents (Europe and Africa) and only defended their common borders with 1 units. I don't know what's happening in the other 2 ongoing games but i included those for you to inspect. They both have their names in capitals which stylistically makes me think they might be the same person rather than just real life friends or some such.

Re: samlutzman and richardjohn [pending] BG

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:11 pm
reading this, i now know why soooooo many people lose their minds playing this game. sham was beaten and is apparently VERY upset with that. i believe we used to call those people sore losers, but what can you expect. with sham's way of thinking, ALL players that have a USERNAME in CAPS must be ME. sound reasonable, right? i think a breath of fresh air might do him some good. since when is it a bad thing to NOT attack someone when they are NOT attacking you? i usually attack those who hit me hard, call it revenge, lol. if you dont want to get attacked, dont attack me. if you hit me i will hit you back twice as hard, that is if i'm able to, lol. maybe sham would like a rematch, mano-a-mano. later, have to go back to work.

Re: samlutzman and richardjohn [pending] BG

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:51 am
by Koganosi
RICHARDJOHN wrote:reading this, i now know why soooooo many people lose their minds playing this game. sham was beaten and is apparently VERY upset with that. i believe we used to call those people sore losers, but what can you expect. with sham's way of thinking, ALL players that have a USERNAME in CAPS must be ME. sound reasonable, right? i think a breath of fresh air might do him some good. since when is it a bad thing to NOT attack someone when they are NOT attacking you? i usually attack those who hit me hard, call it revenge, lol. if you dont want to get attacked, dont attack me. if you hit me i will hit you back twice as hard, that is if i'm able to, lol. maybe sham would like a rematch, mano-a-mano. later, have to go back to work.

I feel like you need to go out and catch some fresh are here. THe game is about winning right, not retaliating on someone who atacks you. But trying to use diplomacy, tactics in your advantage and win the game right?

Caus the way I see you play it youll lose, you basicly suicide in 1 player, so that makes 2 players weak. So the third player or another can win the game right?



Re: samlutzman and richardjohn [busted/cleared] BG

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:19 am
by BGtheBrain
SAMLUTZMAN has been BUSTED for being a multi
RICHARDJOHN has been CLEARED of being a multi and CLEARED of SD

Re: samlutzman and richardjohn [busted/cleared] BG

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:18 pm
wink wink. do you really think i would let my REAL play tactics be exposed on this forum, lol, i think not. but to be real about this whole thing, when a player uses diplomacy (which i have a few times) eventually you have to turn on your buddy. there is only one winner in any game. you hold tight when you have to, you make a run at an opponent if your able to.