Conquer Club

UncleChubbs [Cleared] of multis

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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UncleChubbs [Cleared] of multis

Postby TuesdayIsComing on Tue May 08, 2007 1:17 pm

I'm very suspicious of UncleChubbs, userid 29834.

I suspect him of secret alliances, or perhaps multi abuse. It's hard to say which, as I have reviewed his earlier games and found a few similar instances except with different players. If i had to guess, Id say he recruited new players and got them to deliberately give him the points.

UncleChubbs seems to be the main guy, but his feedback seems to indicate this isnt the first time he has used such antics, as there are a few secret alliance accusations in there as well.
The current game that I am in, is 418717, where unclechubbs(red) has held australia without a challenge for the entire game. Meanwhile, kevin0023(green, user id 88573) has almost completely ignored him.
During the entire course of the game, Unclechubbs has held australia, and has attacked kevin on exactly 3 occasions. Two of those times were required to obtain a continent, and the other he passed through to get to me.
2007-05-08 15:40:24 - UncleChubbs attacked Eastern Australia from New Guinea and conquered it from kevin0023
2007-05-08 16:26:35 - UncleChubbs attacked Siam from Indonesia and conquered it from kevin0023
2007-05-08 16:41:23 - UncleChubbs attacked Alberta from Northwest Territory and conquered it from kevin0023
2007-05-08 16:41:28 - UncleChubbs attacked Western United States from Alberta and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing

2007-05-08 15:40:43 - UncleChubbs attacked Western Australia from Indonesia and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 15:50:27 - UncleChubbs attacked China from Siberia and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 15:50:41 - UncleChubbs attacked East Africa from Middle East and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 16:26:41 - UncleChubbs attacked India from Middle East and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 16:41:28 - UncleChubbs attacked Western United States from Alberta and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:11:44 - UncleChubbs attacked Afghanistan from China and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing

He has attacked unclechubbs twice, neither time was it anything unclechubbs valued, only isolated territories.
2007-05-08 14:46:08 - kevin0023 attacked Greenland from Iceland and conquered it from UncleChubbs
2007-05-08 15:50:36 - kevin0023 attacked Ukraine from Northern Europe and conquered it from UncleChubbs

He has, however, not been idle. He's managed to not only take the following nations from me, but most were also much better defended than the ones he took from unclechubbs.
2007-05-08 15:50:45 - kevin0023 attacked Great Britain from Northern Europe and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 16:19:45 - kevin0023 attacked Quebec from Greenland and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:03:41 - kevin0023 attacked Western Europe from Great Britain and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:03:50 - kevin0023 attacked North Africa from Western Europe and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:23:05 - kevin0023 attacked Eastern United States from Quebec and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:23:16 - kevin0023 attacked Central America from Eastern United States and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing
2007-05-08 17:31:48 - kevin0023 attacked Brazil from North Africa and conquered it from TuesdayIsComing

My name, as shown, is TuesdayIsComing. userid 77155.

Also notable, in my opinion, though not fully relevant, is the negative feedback unclechubbs has given.

Thank you for your time in investigating this matter. I dont normally cry "cheat", but this seemed so blatant...that i just had to report it.
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Captain TuesdayIsComing
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new player being accused....why?

Postby kevin0023 on Tue May 08, 2007 6:40 pm

so I am playing one of my 58 matches that i have going at the time and this tuesday guy goes off on me because he thinks I should attack the opposite player rather than himself.

I want to clear myself before I am called a cheater or whatever else Tuesday is saying in his post.

I just started playing this game last week and became a premium member when I wanted to play more than 4 games at 1 time.

In our game that is being scrutinized by Tuesday I had some poor placements of my armies. I was green in a 3 person game. Red (the eventual winner (chubbs)) had australia and most of his armies in asia. blue (tuesday) had most of his armies in s. america and africa.

I decided that spreading myself out and tring to go for australia was not a good idea. I attacked blue trying to get either africa or s. america from him.

Red gained advantage through the game while me and blue battled it out. In the end red won the game and Tuesday accuses us of fowl play. There was none in the game and I think Tuesday should appologize to both of us.

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Postby TuesdayIsComing on Tue May 08, 2007 6:50 pm

Kevin, I have deliberately left off your name from the above form, mostly because the events gave you no advantage and were in fact to your disadvantage. I'm not calling anyone a cheater, merely bringing what I consider suspicious to attention so that the admin may investigate it.

Chubbs has a few prior accusations in his feedback along these same lines of inquiry, though he admittedly does have far more positive than negative. His responses(and even retaliatory feedback) to these accusations are childish and irrelevant. If there is a satisfactory and pertinent reply, I'm interested in hearing it from both him and the admin in charge of these matters.
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Captain TuesdayIsComing
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Postby kevin0023 on Tue May 08, 2007 6:54 pm

yes you did leave my name off of the topic.....but as you can see you mention my name through out your post many times and in the end your post is including me in the fowl play.

I do not know chubbs past as I have only started playing this game 1 week ago. I have 25 games completed and anyone can look to see if any of my current or finished games are/have been played with chubbs.

I am not only clearing myself but Chubbs as well. We didn't have a secret alliance nor are we the same account.

I have no beef with you and would not mind playing either you or Chubbs again. I have nothing to hide so if the mods/admins feel they have to investigate then let them.
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Postby Master Bush on Wed May 09, 2007 11:45 am

UncleChubbs is Cleared of being a multi
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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