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WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 (Possible Multis) [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:42 pm
by grifftron
WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11

Its not everyday I join a 1 v 1 game just to be wished luck by both my opponent and another random guy who is not even in the game who just happened to join the site on the exact day and year as my opponent. I think this is worthy of a check even if they are not multis, maybe possible brothers or friends.

Game 12319529


Re: WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 (Possible Multis) [Pend] DCR

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:41 am
by codierose
Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:54 am
Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:47 pm

joined same day
is WZL short for Weasel could be
reading there game chat in there games together they seem to be friends
another guy [Game]lionsbowl[/Game] started same day Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:05 pm
could be mutlis that likes to trash talk to himself but cant see it

Re: WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 (Possible Multis) [Pend] DCR

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:23 am
by grifftron
Ye, a clan buddy looked into that and told me that after i filled this report, but I have seen players start off playing, and then as time goes on, some of those players drop off and their buddy takes over there acct. This could be like that, BUT I am now hoping that these guys are just good friends with nothing better to do then look at each others games.


Re: WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 (Possible Multis) [Pend] DCR

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:17 am
by betiko
grifftron wrote:Ye, a clan buddy looked into that and told me that after i filled this report, but I have seen players start off playing, and then as time goes on, some of those players drop off and their buddy takes over there acct. This could be like that, BUT I am now hoping that these guys are just good friends with nothing better to do then look at each others games.


like commented together, when you're freemium you just got 4 games, and it's very likely that they go once in a while to check their mate's new active games, makes total sense. they've played lots of 3 ways and trash talk giving their real names, also they play some trips together (including once vs you). They probably used to play risk, one of them found CC and asked 2 mates to join to play together.
Also, if someone created 3 accounts I guess he would make 1 of them win all/almost all these 3 ways. I would be really surprised if they are multis.

Re: WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 (Possible Multis) [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:15 am
by deathcomesrippin
WeaselCrusher16 & WZL11 are Cleared of being multis.