dryanoff/codybgood [busted]
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:42 pm
first and foremost, i am not one to throw around accusations. but this game is really fishy, and i am not the first to accuse them (or him/her).
Subject: dryanoff/codybgood
Multis/Secret Aliance (delete as appropriate)
Suspect users: dryanoff/codybgood
Game number: http://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=27709
Comments: i dont know if this is a multi or secret alliance, but if you look at how they take there turns, something doesnt seem right.
Thank you, all hail Twill (and Lackattack). you guys rock.
phishn80 (The Big Phish)
Subject: dryanoff/codybgood
Multis/Secret Aliance (delete as appropriate)
Suspect users: dryanoff/codybgood
Game number: http://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=27709
Comments: i dont know if this is a multi or secret alliance, but if you look at how they take there turns, something doesnt seem right.
Thank you, all hail Twill (and Lackattack). you guys rock.
phishn80 (The Big Phish)