simon moore wrote:Bitiko - That is exactly what I was saying. When you are a single player and you are against 2 teams of 2 players and you can take out another player then you do so especially when he is blocked in, can't attack anyone else and is building a large army on your border. After this I expected a major to look at the game and say to himself "Ah well but we can still win and the best way to do this is to truce with the other single player until we are down to 3 single players" but he didn't.
He claimed that he would not truce with me because he doesn't agree with them as a matter of principle and then just didn't attack anyone (He couldn't get to me without attacking team 4" which meant team 4 just picked me off.
I expect this from lower ranked players but after going against what he said he would do I thought it was a bit strange.
He simply decided to teach me a lesson which is his prerogative.
It seems lots of people choose to take sides without understanding the full story but the fact is I am right and HardAttack is just backing his mate without reading between the lines which makes him a fool.
Fact - Slytown is a hypocrite ! There is no argument as it is in the game chat and log. End of rant.
Hmmm, quite an interesting tail you spin simon. Lets however look at that facts as you so intently wish to.
My statement about attacking the strongest players was made on jan 15. My very next turn I attacked said strongest team breaking 4 bonuses in the process. My next turn, I attacked the other team member of team 4 reclaiming land that I would never have lost if you hadn't of tipped the balance so far into their direction by thinking it a good idea to eliminate my teammate (destroying a fair amount of your armies in the process). My next turn, which you seem to be so very upset about, I was reduced to 3 territories and no stacks left. Of course, your turn in the very same round, with a troop production of 17, attacked and took a whopping 3 of sweet's territories, none of which broke any of his bonuses or stacks (and you want to complain about me not helping?) Alas, with 3 territories remaining, my only viable option was to cash my meager 8 card blue set, deploy it on a territory that could cause some damage if given the oppurtunity to grow unmolested and hope that you got your head out of your bum and took some bonuses from team 4 in the mean time.
These are facts ... not silly rants that have zero evidence to support them.
We could of course go back further and examine how it is exactly that you got to a stage to ask for a truce.
When you moved through to kill my teammate you were already on your own. Okay, 3 teams left in the game, you alone, me alone, and team 4. My very next turn I simply pushed you out of where my partner had been and established a status quo stack on the border. You're very next turn you decided to run through and break 3 of my 4 bonuses. Keep in mind team 4 is still a full team, we should according to your logic above have already been working together at this point and my troop placement was indicating exactly that. However, you chose to attack and break through my land. As a response to your lunacy I returned the favor and broke every single one of your bonuses.
Now lets queue up the conversation that you are whining about so much, because it happened IMMEDIATELY after I returned said lunatic moves above by you.
2013-01-15 18:07:54 - simon moore: Slytown - now team 4 are your main threat we should truce being 2 single players.....
2013-01-15 19:41:03 - slytown: i'm not the one who went bonus crashing for no reason pink

2013-01-15 19:41:18 - slytown: i just returned your favors
2013-01-15 19:44:14 - slytown: and i don't make truces as a mater of principle
2013-01-15 19:44:46 - slytown: i play in a style that lends itself to trying to check the strongest players and deploy as such