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LZND661 & JOSE17 & sharkie19[busted/cleared]sn

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:15 am
by waauw


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 12222605
Game 7761894
Game 7706662
Game 7359477

Comments: They log in way too often within minutes or even seconds from each other to be a coincidence. It is possible that they communicate through skype or something to coordinate these things, but it's also possible it is actually multiple accounts abuse. Could you look into this?

Re: LZND661 & JOSE17 & sharkie19

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:23 pm
by Edric Wolfswift went through a cpl 1000 games and had to go back to 2010-07-29 to cherry pick 4? If you look at recent history you will see there are many games each player has not played with the other two. And when they do play together the wins don't all go to one person. Looks like friends who play together and that is why they log on near each other's times.

Seems very unlikely they are multis

Re: LZND661 & JOSE17 & sharkie19[pending sn]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:49 pm
by Symmetry
waauw wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 12222605
Game 7761894
Game 7706662
Game 7359477

Comments: They log in way too often within minutes or even seconds from each other to be a coincidence. It is possible that they communicate through skype or something to coordinate these things, but it's also possible it is actually multiple accounts abuse. Could you look into this?

Looks like friends who play together as a team to be honest. So probably not multis. Good communication between players in a team freestyle game I'm less clear about the rules on, but I suspect that they're ok, just very efficient.

Re: LZND661 & JOSE17 & sharkie19[pending sn]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:16 am
by sniffie
JOSE17 and LZND661 are busted with one and another.

Sharkie is clean