BigSweaty [Cleared] DCR

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Game 12167817 MAP CCU
Comments: Please look at this game it is very obvious the players are the same person. Take at look at the game log to see how they have played. I willl also explain but to start off - They are all new accounts joined around the same time, they all sign in and out one minute after the other as i was checking when they go on/off line whilst i was playing, as i was suspicious at the very start of the game. They are all from the same location, and if friends, then they are making alliances but it looks more like a multi. They also take their turns one minute after the other as they all go on/off line. Now if you look at the game log you can see the only time they attacked a region from one another is to get their bonus areas, then they only attacked me. If you look at greens last turn he came through fiction only attacked me and stopped, did not touch red.On reds turn before this he also only attacked me, then ended his turn. Look how green has reinforced history with 9, against me on quad, which only has 1 troop on there; yet leaves his doors wide open to blue on falculty suite and red, through language!!!
Blue takes his turn straight after green , why dosent he attack strategy from falculty suite??? Instead he put his troops elswhere , neares to me! and end his turn . He clearly knows how to play so he would of attacked that (1) on strategy to minus greens extra bonus. This is so blatently a multi that it's laughable
and so suspicious and pefectly done that it has made it obvious
I hope this can be resolved before my turn ends and they have stolen my points
The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Game 12167817 MAP CCU
Comments: Please look at this game it is very obvious the players are the same person. Take at look at the game log to see how they have played. I willl also explain but to start off - They are all new accounts joined around the same time, they all sign in and out one minute after the other as i was checking when they go on/off line whilst i was playing, as i was suspicious at the very start of the game. They are all from the same location, and if friends, then they are making alliances but it looks more like a multi. They also take their turns one minute after the other as they all go on/off line. Now if you look at the game log you can see the only time they attacked a region from one another is to get their bonus areas, then they only attacked me. If you look at greens last turn he came through fiction only attacked me and stopped, did not touch red.On reds turn before this he also only attacked me, then ended his turn. Look how green has reinforced history with 9, against me on quad, which only has 1 troop on there; yet leaves his doors wide open to blue on falculty suite and red, through language!!!

I hope this can be resolved before my turn ends and they have stolen my points