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musssashe & mussashe [busted] BG

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:38 am
by betiko
just happened to scroll down on birthday and saw a miracle.
2 guys from serbia born the same day, with almost the same name. the accounts are both freemium and no games played together.

happy 26th birthday buddy!

musssashe & mussashe

Re: musssashe & mussashe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:44 am
by trinicardinal
If you check their profile one of those accounts is already guested (busted in 2011 actually). Probably busted and bought back/lost premium on the original account.

Re: musssashe & mussashe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:16 am
by musssashe
Yap...that's my banned profile. I was trying to explain what happen in couple mails with administrator but they didn't listen. Anyway, my friend who was banned at same time as me (not playing same game, just same IP address) he continue playing on some other site, and i didn't play or trying to explain again because i pised off. I do not see the problem of my registration again after one year, also betigo needs to sue.

Re: musssashe & mussashe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:21 am
by betiko
oh well, my bad then never really noticed the "guest" thing. so what is the policy, in order to be allowed to be a multi you need to have a guessed account? why did he get guessed the first time anyway?

Re: musssashe & mussashe [busted] BG

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:58 am
by BGtheBrain
musssashe & mussashe are busted

Re: musssashe & mussashe [busted] BG

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:33 pm
by betiko
so what happened there then, the guy is guessed for some reason, so he creates a new account later in time and is busted for being a multi. he was just not allowed to play anymore on the site?