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Game #scman, mike22[closed]sn

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:12 pm
by nmdragon
The accused are suspected of:

Other: scman started out with Australia and a 14 stack in round 1. I had a turn then mike22 has an 11 stack and europe all before I move in round two. It just doesn't add up. Don,t know how they did it but it's no fun to lose before you even get a chance to play.

Game number(s):



Re: Game #scman, mike22

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:20 pm
by MoB Deadly
nmdragon wrote:The accused:

are suspected of:
Other: scman started out with Australia and a 14 stack in round 1. I had a turn then mike22 has an 11 stack and europe all before I move in round two. It just doesn't add up. Don,t know how they did it but it's no fun to lose before you even get a chance to play.

Game number(s):
Game 11903933


nmdragon - I am sorry you feel cheated but it looks like they just got a really lucky drop. SC Man explained what happened in the chat. And since it is sunny you can read everything that happened in the log. Here is how he stacked all his troops onto two regions: Jakarta and Istanbul.

2012-11-06 22:20:54 - Game has been initialized
2012-11-07 00:44:39 - SC MAN received 2 troops for holding Oceania
2012-11-07 00:44:39 - SC MAN received 3 troops for 10 regions
2012-11-07 00:44:48 - SC MAN deployed 5 troops on Jakarta
2012-11-07 00:45:11 - SC MAN reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Madrid
2012-11-07 00:45:19 - SC MAN reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Cairo
2012-11-07 00:45:26 - SC MAN reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Moscow
2012-11-07 00:45:33 - SC MAN reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Delhi
2012-11-07 00:45:41 - SC MAN reinforced Jakarta with 2 troops from Port Moresby
2012-11-07 00:45:49 - SC MAN reinforced Jakarta with 2 troops from Perth
2012-11-07 00:45:57 - SC MAN reinforced Jakarta with 2 troops from Sydney
2012-11-07 00:46:18 - SC MAN ended the turn

Re: Game #scman, mike22[pending]sn

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:17 am
by sniffie
This game is a combination of bad luck for you, nmdragon and good fortune for the 2 accused.
A player owning a continent from the very start can happen, drops are random, combined with well thought deployment attacks and unlimited forts can lead to situations like this.
