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Ragot25 and wartiger666 [warned] BG

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:09 pm
by JJ Hawk


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


"Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand." Users are conducting diplomacy in a language (French maybe) other then english. Sorry, never learned French.

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:45 pm
by Funkyterrance
They are in many games together. I hate these sort of situations since the response is always: "Just because they know each other doesn't mean they are biased!". BS they aren't.

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:40 pm
by maxfaraday
lol actually they don't seem to be friends;
from what I read, it looks more like threats than conducting sd...

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:09 pm
by Funkyterrance
maxfaraday wrote:lol actually they don't seem to be friends;
from what I read, it looks more like threats than conducting sd...

What are they saying? Is French Canadian different than French, language-wise? I know the two sound different.

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:16 am
by afroaction
Funkyterrance wrote:They are in many games together. I hate these sort of situations since the response is always: "Just because they know each other doesn't mean they are biased!". BS they aren't.

totally agree

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:23 am
by afroaction
2012-10-16 18:45:28 - Ragot25: t bin laite dan! reprend mom continent et jreprend le tien
2012-10-17 08:56:37 - wartiger666: Je te laisse. Vien pas jouer chez nous
2012-10-21 14:51:33 - wartiger666: C koi le rapport criss moi la paix

Ragot said he'll take his bonus back if wartiger doesn't leave him alone, and wartiger agreed somewhat?

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666 [pending] BG

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:31 pm
by JJ Hawk
Here is a screen shot from tonight in the game. Ragot just played. Why would Ragot25 not attack the 1 troop wartiger had at THrogs Neck? This situation happened many times in this game. Not one word mentioned about it in the game log(unless it was in French). I have to assume they have some sort of agreement. Wartiger was strong all game, and was greatly helped by not having to cover his bonus with more then one troop on Throgs Neck.

10/28/2012 20:20

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:50 pm
by maxfaraday
Funkyterrance wrote:
maxfaraday wrote:lol actually they don't seem to be friends;
from what I read, it looks more like threats than conducting sd...

What are they saying? Is French Canadian different than French, language-wise? I know the two sound different.

2012-10-16 18:45:28 - Ragot25: t bin laite dan! reprend mom continent et jreprend le tien
No idea what "t bin laite dan!" means, looks like French Canadian phonetic slang.
"reprend mom continent et jreprend le tien" break my bonus I'll break yours"

2012-10-17 08:56:37 - wartiger666: Je te laisse. Vien pas jouer chez nous
I'm not talking to you anymore, don't come to play with us.

2012-10-21 14:51:33 - wartiger666: C koi le rapport criss moi la paix
What does it have to do with anything, get lost/leave me alone

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666 [pending] BG

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:15 am
by Funkyterrance
rofl, thanks for sharing the translations guys, both were quite unexpected and therefore funny to me. :D

Re: Ragot25 and wartiger666 [warned] BG

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:48 pm
by BGtheBrain
Ragot25 & wartiger666 have been warned