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Holystargazer And charliebnt [noted]

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Holystargazer And charliebnt [noted]

Postby Koganosi on Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:58 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 11854175

Thats just the beginning of it, the rest of their games on this setting map, they only played, have also some suspicious games in which I think there is 2 playing under 1 hat!


Out of freaking nowhere, yellow kills blue in the game wich clearly wasnt his target. Looking through the other games I thought it was suspicious and so I made this report. Either he is stupid with a capatal S! or they are doing stuff wich is illegal.


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Re: Holystargazer And charliebnt

Postby Symmetry on Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:57 pm

Usually I'd dismiss this kind of complaint out of hand, but the named pair play pretty regularly together (30 games in total)

and Holy is a veteran on the assassin game front (594 assassin games completed)

Seems worth a look.
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Re: Holystargazer And charliebnt

Postby king achilles on Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:28 am

This is noted on Holystargazer. Being that it's also a 1 minute speed game, yellow could have missed that it was blue's last territory, made a hasty turn, and went for the Moselle bonus. Red could have also just benefited from yellow's last move.
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