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Sameereemas and kugelfang

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:50 pm
by Gary30060
these 2 ganged up on me in a 3 person game....never attacked each other.........only me.......and did it they think that is my oppinion...that is cheating as much as a secret cant win a 3 person game ever...if it is 2 against one the entire game...........I say it is cheating

Game number 398784

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:49 pm
by freezie
Fill out this form...first.

Second, It wasn't secret as far as I can see. Else they would have told their srategies secrectly.

If you were in very strong position from the beggining, it's quite comon that you get ganged up upon. They try to have a chance each, and their only way might be to truce.

They seem to attack each others now, and one of them offered you a truce. I think you should use diplomacy to get out of your bad position.

Third. You obviously used foul language all over, and THAT isn't gonna get you any friends or a good reputation. Try beeing respectful.

too late

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:56 pm
by Gary30060
true...they are attacking each other now.....after I have been virtually eliminated from the game.....voiced my opinion about it..........and am no longer a threat to either what is the point of playing a 3 person game....if all 2 other people have to do is announce an aliance and take you out..........

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:59 pm
by freezie
It is true that a truce in a 3 players game isn't the most liked strategy. But it is all by the rules. If you were in a VERY strong position, there is NOTHING to complain about.

Add them on your ignore list if you want, but, unless you fill the form and a multi-hunter agree with you, I see no secret alliance in it.

Also your turn on that game...deadbeating will just scrap your reputation even more than what I can see ( quite a neg. feedback collection you got.)

---Also could be the reason why they ganged up on you, but I am not the one with the authority to say that.

I didnt say it was a secret alliance

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:17 pm
by Gary30060
I didnt say it was a secret alliance....just very unfair.........and might as well be cheating when one player has no chance of winning......

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:28 pm
by Gary30060
and I have never not completed a game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:32 pm
by bcheng1988
After having reviewed this, I, for one, will be putting Gary30060 on my ignore list.


Gary30060 wrote:I didnt say it was a secret alliance....just very unfair.........and might as well be cheating when one player has no chance of winning......

Liar? Or just a very bad memory. Check the chat logs. You accused them of having a secret alliance and started using uncalled for language after they *publicly announced* a common effort to prevent you, the undisputedly strongest player in the game at that time, from winning.