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UncleChubbs - idiot or cheat??

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:37 pm
by overanalyzer
Game 394519

Not sure what his deal is here - but all he is doing is fortifying his own territories and not making any attacks.
2007-04-28 00:26:00 - UncleChubbs receives 3 armies for 5 territories
2007-04-28 00:26:01 - UncleChubbs deployed 3 armies on Cyprus

Every turn is like that... not sure what advantage can be gained and I don't know why he is even playing .... wonder if he is working in concert or trying to screw up something....

anyhow - can someone give the game a look and let me know if this is acceptable (I mean it is stupid and against the purpose of the game .... but udilimor has not attacked him all game (first turn only - to get the bonus) - not sure if they have some sort of secret alliance.

Either way it is annoying as hell!!! :evil:

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:23 am
by overanalyzer
2007-04-28 01:54:13 - UncleChubbs: yeah, i had a clue that based on poor starting position and a full run of the board before my first turn by you and blue, that i pretty much had no chance and didnt want to give either of you a set of cards... you can check my record, no alliances.

so basically he did not like his starting position so he isn't playing the game - just putting armies here and there....

so no cheat - just an idiot - quitter and a coward!