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flyboy91-jennifermarie secret alliance

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:48 pm
by kkloba
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Subject line: FLYBOY91/Jennifermarie

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Flyboy91 and jennifermarie

Game number:383445

Comments: Pls go to the game chat, I have my comments there. Also I have 22 hrs to move and I haven't yet, so you can see the layout of the gameboard. Also you can look at Game #361827 how he admitted to pm'ing another player to 'pimp' me. He also left a way negative comment on my feedback, but then erased it...must have wanted to 'get his points back one way or another'. I love the ignore list and he will be on it as soon as I get out of these games with him, but I don't want to lose points to a cheater.


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flyboy/jennifermarie secret alliance [Reply to kkloba]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:10 pm
by flyboy91
Wow. If any admin are interested, I would be more than happy to let them check all my message history. Yes, i admit to writing that about the pm, but that was just verbal comeback [aka - a lie (for what useless payback it was)] for the strong-arm action he took against me for offering a public truce. There is only one case of secret alliance in my message history, and it is that of another player, runningpeter, on another game attempting to pull me and others into a joint strike force against the nt player.

Kkloba is the most hot-tempered risk-player out there, and is paranoid about secret alliances. As you can obviously see on Game #383445, kkloba drew his own conclusions about us sharing a secret alliance. I was utterly shocked from his words upon returning to that game.

This is such a childish matter and I really don't think some hot-tempered, paranoid player should be making public complaints about something that is based solely on his own conclusions - as it attempts to publicly destroy the reputation of another player and myself.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:53 am
by flyboy91
you guys just really need to read that game chat to see how when we were both gone he suddenly drew those absurd conclusions. He talks about that situation as if NEVER ever happens on here