Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Noted]TFO

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 11471074
Comments: It was quite apparent early-ish into the game that the 2 accused had a secret alliance. They attacked only others and left each others meeting borders clear. So unbelievably obvious, I commented "Don't you just love secret alliances? Couldn't be more transparent Green & Red. Pathetic".
This was met with an 'I don't do alliances. Couldn't give a rats arse what you think' (can't remember by who - they've both since deleted all comments for fear of self incrimination).
So clear to me it was an alliance, I responded with 'Time to not give your rats a*** , cos if that wasn't an alliance, then you're just a shit player. Which is it?'
Just so it was entirely clear for the other players, I explained my reasoning as follows (comments are still in game):
And just so everyone understands what I'm getting at... other than in 2 goes back, you 2 bordering on each other with 1's, yet not touching each other at all.....
this last go..... Green had (has) 5 in Tierra Del Fuego, South America. Red, whose go it is, gets 11 troops and chooses to hit little old me....
His actions reduced my due troops to 7 from 10. Green at the time, had about 30+ due (now 41), and yet was easier to break.
If anyone can see any logic in that (if it was a Terminator game, may understand), would love to hear it.
Yellow agreed. Red and/or green didn't comment but just accused me of being a sore loser. He repeated it later after I was eliminated (and I'd wished the others luck).
I responded asking red (Jarhead1861) to explain his moves that I'd referred to above. His go came and went and, with nothing said. I stated 'Your silence speaks volumes'.
He replied saying it was 'irrelevant now and wasn't going to discuss the past'
Minded to just deal with it when leaving ratings, I was dumbfounded when, going back into the game, saw that both red and green had deleted all their comments. That, to me, confirmed for absolute certain that they had cheated. The comments as they'd stood were only almost self-incriminating. Their deletion just serves to confirm it.
Please deal with. Thanks
The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 11471074
Comments: It was quite apparent early-ish into the game that the 2 accused had a secret alliance. They attacked only others and left each others meeting borders clear. So unbelievably obvious, I commented "Don't you just love secret alliances? Couldn't be more transparent Green & Red. Pathetic".
This was met with an 'I don't do alliances. Couldn't give a rats arse what you think' (can't remember by who - they've both since deleted all comments for fear of self incrimination).
So clear to me it was an alliance, I responded with 'Time to not give your rats a*** , cos if that wasn't an alliance, then you're just a shit player. Which is it?'
Just so it was entirely clear for the other players, I explained my reasoning as follows (comments are still in game):
And just so everyone understands what I'm getting at... other than in 2 goes back, you 2 bordering on each other with 1's, yet not touching each other at all.....
this last go..... Green had (has) 5 in Tierra Del Fuego, South America. Red, whose go it is, gets 11 troops and chooses to hit little old me....
His actions reduced my due troops to 7 from 10. Green at the time, had about 30+ due (now 41), and yet was easier to break.
If anyone can see any logic in that (if it was a Terminator game, may understand), would love to hear it.
Yellow agreed. Red and/or green didn't comment but just accused me of being a sore loser. He repeated it later after I was eliminated (and I'd wished the others luck).
I responded asking red (Jarhead1861) to explain his moves that I'd referred to above. His go came and went and, with nothing said. I stated 'Your silence speaks volumes'.
He replied saying it was 'irrelevant now and wasn't going to discuss the past'
Minded to just deal with it when leaving ratings, I was dumbfounded when, going back into the game, saw that both red and green had deleted all their comments. That, to me, confirmed for absolute certain that they had cheated. The comments as they'd stood were only almost self-incriminating. Their deletion just serves to confirm it.
Please deal with. Thanks