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tex75001 [Closed] DCR

Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:26 am
by Zyzyx Qyzyx
The accused are suspected of:
Other: Abusive and incorrect rating
Game number(s):
Comments: I removed him from my wall, he spammed other games the 2 I was playing at the time.
I ignored them. Then he left this rating which is completely rude and incorrect.
Re: tex75001

Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:30 am
by JCR
Zyzyx Qyzyx wrote:Accused:
tex75001The accused are suspected of:
Other: Abusive and incorrect rating
Game number(s):
Game 11300850Comments: I removed him from my wall, he spammed other games the 2 I was playing at the time.
Game 11285633Game 11260766 I ignored them. Then he left this rating which is completely rude and incorrect.
fixed links
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:33 pm
by deathcomesrippin
Zyzyx Qyzyx, please give us a few more examples of Ratings Abuse. One singular time does not a case make.
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:11 am
by Zyzyx Qyzyx
Uh... I just want the rating repealed since it is indeed inaccurate and works against my score. What was abusive was the way he assaulted me on my other games. But in all honesty I just want the ratings left removed because it is wrong and was just made for the sake of hate.
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:20 am
by Dibbun
After reading the game chat, I feel his rating is justified. Not necessarily the rating everyone would have left, but plenty of people would have done it.
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:22 am
by Zyzyx Qyzyx
Slow, Deadbeat, Rude, Complainer
He complained the whole time he was losing.
I never once missed a turn or got kicked for missing turns
While I believe he misunderstood me when I called auto attack the stupid button I was not rude he was
and I didn't complain I was making a point and he didn't like it cause he was losing.
So no, not one of the tags are correct and I want them removed because I consider it liable.
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:46 am
by GeneralRisk
Zyzyx Qyzyx wrote:Slow, Deadbeat, Rude, Complainer
He complained the whole time he was losing.
I never once missed a turn or got kicked for missing turns
While I believe he misunderstood me when I called auto attack the stupid button I was not rude he was
and I didn't complain I was making a point and he didn't like it cause he was losing.
So no, not one of the tags are correct and I want them removed because I consider it liable.
The Mods cannot do that,,,U are wasting the Mods time...go away.
Re: tex75001 [Pending] DCR

Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:03 am
by deathcomesrippin
Foe and move on. This case is closed, as Ratings Abuse is not for a singular rating. Please contact him and ask him if he can remove it. Try to settle this between yourselves.