jltile1 wrote:Maybe think about joining those games ?? Just a thought
I will in the future, even though I love tourneys, but when something like this happens, then I have to choose more carefully, but in my defense it was no round limit when the tourney started, it was put on because of a stallmate on hive in the earlier stages..
benga wrote:And why would it be gross abuse the game?
machrs made the reply at the end that fits your crime
imo its abuse giving away a game just because you don't like the player who is leading and you don't have a shot at the win..
and what crime? asking everyone to play fair? and by fair I don't mean just giving me the game, but to play smart, either just deploy, or hit me some but some, but not more then to be the player with the 2 most troops and hope someone continous, I know machrs did not have this option, since he went last and had no way to win the game..
DJPatrick wrote:agree that you got what you deserved for your "tried to be a little funny"...instead of pps rolling over for you to save themselves points loss, one retaliated by ensuring YOU were the one who lost the MOST points...You admit the game was still in the balance at the start of the last turn....maybe your stand-up comedy act needs a little polish.
BTW...machrs was still alive at the end of 30 rounds same as the rest of you so NO suicide...I applaud his actions as a warrior after my own heart.
never asked anyone to roll over, just asked those players who did not have shot, to consider that if I won they would loose less points (imo that would be worth considering, even though points is not all).
in balance? it was realy just 3people who could win, and the other 2 evertonian and uckuki both would have needed someone to suicide in to me, or atleast everyone to take a big chunk out of my stack..
and I guees you are right, he was "alive", but it was a suicide, what else would you call it, if there one more turn he would be dead, and there is no way to kill themselves on here own turn.. so this is the closest you get on CC.. and warrior after youre own heart? realy?
jgordon1111 wrote:played alot of games with machrs in the past,I have never seen him play other than try to win, and by the chat I take it he might not have been amused with your idea and in his own way showed you what he thought of it. But suicide no it wasnt that either he was alive at the end.
He might have been praying for some of those Random super dice.
yeah, I got that he did not like what I wrote, fair enough, but he could have given me a bad rating or something like that..
Like I said in the original post, if he had even a 1% shot at, hell lets say 0,1% shot, I would not bitch about it, or okey would probably bitch a little, but I would not make a thread, I have a snapshot, so I could run the numbers if you would like, but I can say that without a doubt he would have max 0,0000000000000001% shot at it, he would have to kill 300 guys of mine (that he did do) but he would have to kill lets say 200 of 3 other players and stay ahead of the last 2, it was impossible, even with a perfect dice it would have been hard (and with troops counts i they 700-800 regions, whats the odds of a perfect dice).
DJPatrick wrote:maybe you guys need to rethink your strategy in these games...as said, if Kingm did not clearly have enough troops to win the game whatever happenned, then he should not have been so smug...IMO he got what he deserved =NO SUICIDE HERE!!!
ok, what did I do wrong, other then to write in the chat, imo I played a near perfect game, nothing else I could have done (and I deserved to get that win).. and I realy did not mean to be smug, and I don't think I wore either, and I can't realy understand how so many of you think I deserved that, so what you are saying is that you would be just fine with it if it happend to you?
ubcman64 wrote:i agree....he still 500+ troops on the board. does that sound like suicide? not to me. he chose a target and attacked. plain and simple. if KingM had kept quiet, he most likely would have won.
so what you guys are saying is there is no way to suicide when you have the last turn in a limit game?
nietzsche wrote:IMO what Kingm did was wrong. machrs showed him. It'll be lame if machrs gets punished by this.
Either way machrs was going to decide, by not attacking him he was letting him win, and by attacking him he decided green won. So he chose that the point whore paid for his lack of class.
Kingm was asking exactly for this kind of behavior from the other players, exactly the same, that is attack others so he can win, but when it didn't go in his favor he fills a report?
ehh, were did I ask anyone to attack any other? never asked anyone of that, if thats what you get out of my statement then I guees I am writing worse english then I thought I did.. and I am no point whore, just look over my games, yeah I think its fun with points and trying to climb even higher, but its just one of the many things that is fun about CC, and by far not the most important thing for me, if I wore a point whore would I have joined a tourney full with privates and sergants? and lack of class,, omg, never heard that one before.. Have I pissed you of or something before? and if yes, how? lol, you made me almost more angry at you then on machrs, and I usualy like what you write in GD

and I don't file a report just to file (this is my first one, and I have seen a lot of shit in my 1500 games, but this is by far the worst), so I thought it deserved a report..