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Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [Noted] KRK

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:08 am
by saffronfury


The accused are suspected of:

Other: verbal abuse, bullying, bigotry

Game number(s):

Game 11315747
Game 5756412


In-game transcripts for 5756412 - show him calling people "liberal browns", "domestic partner", "homos", "chinamen", "gay swords"

Also wrote "you're still a homo" in review for zorb15

In-game transcripts for 11315747 - show him calling me:

2012-07-04 16:04:44 - Pilager: Knock it off - Im no threat you
2012-07-05 22:26:49 - Pilager: How do you like it Jag-off! You cross that border again I will funnel every army your direction.
2012-07-07 05:40:00 - saffronfury: Is in-game cursing a thing now?
2012-07-08 21:52:04 - werealldevodad: Is that a curse? I was looking for a player named Jag-off! Americanism?
2012-07-09 02:42:27 - SneakySheep: lol
2012-07-13 15:33:34 - Pilager: You mother fucker ... That's it me and you! All arme
2012-07-13 15:35:31 - Pilager: Armies in your ass.... Should never of trusted you... Saffron... Sounds like a pussy name
2012-07-13 15:37:20 - Pilager: stay out of this orange,green, stack your armes it's personal,
2012-07-14 17:54:25 - saffronfury: Pink. I'm reporting you.
2012-07-14 18:04:44 - Pilager: you cry baby. send your wife to fight your battles....
2012-07-14 18:06:56 - Pilager: call the cops when the kids ball rolls on your grass? slow left lane highway driver....
2012-07-14 18:09:12 - Pilager: you are you going to report, your a mommies boy. i think mao & stalin said the ame thing when launching armes
2012-07-14 18:11:08 - Pilager: council will tell you "grow a pair" or barrow from your wife...
2012-07-14 18:11:34 - Pilager: all armies with proceed in you butt
2012-07-14 18:21:02 - Pilager: ... your an american? ...YOU PUSSY! Now the players will tell their friends about the american tattle tailer....! cry baby !!! thats it you need a conquer club ass kicking... all arms to the front line
2012-07-15 01:38:56 - Pilager: POW!!! BOOMMM!!!! BANG!! POW!!!
2012-07-15 01:41:09 - Pilager: come on saffron 1 more round. me and you.... come on front and center... put em up
2012-07-15 01:44:26 - Pilager: stay out green! stay out orange... im not done yet!
2012-07-15 03:24:03 - SneakySheep: lol

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:16 am
by peacemakers
I read the game chat in both games, and yeah there is some stuff in there that's not appropriate (still don't know what Jag-off means), but the vast majority of it is hilarious. I've come across some obnoxious and unfunny twats in this game, but I don't think Pilager is one. Yes, some of what he says isn't cool, but there must be some leniency for moments of brilliance like:

"all armies with proceed in you butt"
"Teal. Take you lips off his nob. Its shined enough."
"And ZORO...... go make me sandwitch."
"Bilbob. Step up and be a man. You attack yellow but let Zoro galavan around town in tights? Are you the domestic partner?"

It's how I imagine Mr T would talk to opponents in CC. It's so perfect with the spelling mistakes and the quirky phrasing. In defence of Pilager, Zorb was the one to initiate the swearing, and did give a bit. The difference with Zorb was that he wasn't funny. Pilager was.

Yes, perhaps he has said some things outside the rules, but (Pilager, if you read this) I would love to play a game against him, that kind of gold just doesn't come around often.

And saffron, it borders on cry baby a bit. I've seen so much worse.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:55 pm
by jgordon1111
LMAO,more funny than most game chat. Pilager go to bedrock (if you dont know what I mean ask around) I think the players there would be a little less mad and more of the good comeback type.

Bang.Bang. Holy shit :lol: =D>

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:07 pm
by Dibbun
Normally I'd say foe and move on, but why would you foe such an entertaining fellow? Those were great chat logs.

Note for mods: 2009-11-17 14:55:06 - Pilager: Bow BRIT: DO the right thing and stand up. In War we stand like men, Together. As one. Now reach out and may him pay for doing something stupid. YOUR not one on those Liberal Brown/Obama drones are you? Margaret, was a great lady. Make her proud, Bilbob.

I don't think "Brown" in this context refers to skin color but rather to Jerry Brown, the liberal governor of California.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:16 pm
by peacemakers
Dibbun wrote:Normally I'd say foe and move on, but why would you foe such an entertaining fellow? Those were great chat logs.

Note for mods: 2009-11-17 14:55:06 - Pilager: Bow BRIT: DO the right thing and stand up. In War we stand like men, Together. As one. Now reach out and may him pay for doing something stupid. YOUR not one on those Liberal Brown/Obama drones are you? Margaret, was a great lady. Make her proud, Bilbob.

I don't think "Brown" in this context refers to skin color but rather to Jerry Brown, the liberal governor of California.

i think he means Gordon Brown, the previous British labour prime minister. Margaret is obviously to thatcher.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:58 pm
by rhp 1
this really doesn't look like anything but the OP needs to grow a little thicker skin maybe? can administrators make in more clear on the rules page what is allowed.. and could mods start warning people who post stuff like this? It's pretty lame....

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:09 pm
by jgordon1111
rhp 1 wrote:this really doesn't look like anything but the OP needs to grow a little thicker skin maybe? can administrators make in more clear on the rules page what is allowed.. and could mods start warning people who post stuff like this? It's pretty lame....

But how many of us would have got a good laugh if the op didnt post this to see. Seriously POW BANG BAM :lol: =D> tears rolling as I read it the second time.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:38 pm
by agentcom
It took me a couple of "that was so funny!!" posts to actually read the game chat, but seriously pretty damn funny.

If anyone could give me the right odds, I might take a wager that pilager will be the first player in CC history to be cleared of bigotry because we can't make any sense of his comments. I mean seriously, his user name is even spelled wrong ... and there's no "t" in "sandwich." I am also impressed by the unique mix of atrocious grammar and somewhat decent grasp of current and historical national and international affairs. It's a combination that doesn't come around very often.

2012-07-16 14:08:36 - Pilager: ASSME THE POSITION BEAN!... ALL ARMS TO THE FRONT!!!

Words to live by. Can someone make me a gif signature that just scrolls through some of the memorable lines from those two games?

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:23 pm
by Campin_Killer
agentcom wrote:If anyone could give me the right odds, I might take a wager that pilager will be the first player in CC history to be cleared of bigotry because we can't make any sense of his comments.

Second actually

Click me

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:51 pm
by SexyVixen
Hi ! I'm new to conquer club, I was just browsing thru the forum and found this thread...HILARIOUS ! Saffron is a PUSSY !! And I would LOVE to play my FIRST game with Pillager...You can Devirginize me ...LOL

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:06 am
by agentcom

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:50 am
by jgordon1111
agentcom wrote:Multi


Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:58 am
by saffronfury
i guess i fail to see humor in homophobia.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:05 pm
by Campin_Killer
agentcom wrote:Multi


Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:12 pm
by Pilager
Tell us why saffron...??? Tell us why ... ??? .... Say it Saffron.... Say it! (in suspense!)

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:28 pm
by Pilager
Okay Saffron enough is enough. Even the girls are laughing you now. Lets put this behind us, say your sorry and I will introduce you to a few friends I met in a different game.

11334548, his name is MEAT! And I'm sure he is perfect for you. I'll introduce you next round. So no hard (easy) feelings.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:36 am
by Conchobar
I got a good laugh from this as well :lol:
Pilager do watch your words but keep up the brilliant badger baiting. =D>
What the hell are you actually reporting him for saffron?
2012-07-14 23:54:25 - saffronfury: Pink. I'm reporting you.
Before this, I suppose, is what you're reporting? Well there's literally nothing but a couple of swear words which you seem to be shocked by. There is no bigotry or racism or homophobia & maybe you need to redefine those words in your vocabulary.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:46 am
by Dibbun
2012-07-09 19:53:09 - Pilager: omg.... look at this lineup. brass balls, harry, shoot! & MEAT!


Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:09 am
by Campin_Killer
I should game stalk this guy just for the hilarious chat...


Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:26 pm
by nicestash
While it is funny (once you can figure out what he's saying), he should be at least chastised for what could potentially be harmful comments.
Agentscom, you're a moderator for goodness sakes- stop encouraging unsportsmanlike conduct!
I don't believe pilager should be banned, but it's not all right for saffron to get flamed for bring this up.

Re: Pilager - abuse, bigotry, racism [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:42 pm
by Karl_R_Kroenen

And still locked for good.