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ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:19 am
by Talapus
I suspect these three players to all belong to one person. This a a great Multi cheat going on right here and I wouldn't have caught it except for the fact that they all took their turns when I did. ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep are in a triples game with myself and two others and each time they've gone, they all move at the same time. Look at the players work out every single move and fortification like this unless it's the same person doing it. They are on their second turn and already you can tell there is more going on then phenominal coordination. Let us know!

Re: ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:38 am
by chessplaya
Talapus wrote:I suspect these three players to all belong to one person. This a a great Multi cheat going on right here and I wouldn't have caught it except for the fact that they all took their turns when I did. ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep are in a triples game with myself and two others and each time they've gone, they all move at the same time. Look at the players work out every single move and fortification like this unless it's the same person doing it. They are on their second turn and already you can tell there is more going on then phenominal coordination. Let us know!

hey i think these 3 were cleared before by AK-iceman

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:38 am
Did haoala asked you to post this one?

Please check:

And please, add me to your ignore list. I beg you. I really have problems remembering poor players and sore losers user names; if you add me to your ignore list, then I definitely won't be able to join any of your games.

Oh, and please fill out the form so that they can take care of this.

Have a nice day,


PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 am
by Talapus
Subject line: ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep

These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep

Game number:

Comments: See above

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:52 am

Why don't you copy and paste that in your original posting? That way it will look more organized and serious.

It's the "EDIT" button on the top right corner of your first post.

Just a suggestion.



PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:22 pm
by Shacekenhall

I guess talapus is right maybe I am multi, probably I have multi personality, and I didn't know till know,

Thanks Talapus


PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:39 pm
by Incandenza
What's really impressive is that you managed to be multis in different continents.... the airfare alone must be killing you. :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:02 pm
by Shacekenhall
Incandenza wrote:What's really impressive is that you managed to be multis in different continents.... the airfare alone must be killing you. :D

Try to explain that to talapus, but I guess, you will need a map to tell him where southamerica is

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:08 pm
by Talapus
Because it's oh so difficult to get an e-mail address these days...I could have a hotmail account and claim I'm from Bangladesh on here and there is no way to know it. They ask for practically nothing to become a member. Besides, you're going pretty far to make sure everyone knows you don't cheat...I think it's because you have a guilty consience.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:18 pm
by Shacekenhall

I don't know,

Probably I like to be a multi, and I just want to say it.

Bangladesh, yeah right, probably your room and blangladesh have the same IP,


PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:45 pm
Talapus wrote:Because it's oh so difficult to get an e-mail address these day...I could have a hotmail account and claim I'm from Bangladesh on here and there is no way to know it. THey ask for practically nothing to become a member. Besides, your going pretty far to make sure everyone knows you don't cheat...I think it's because you have a guilty consience.

Hahahahaha hahahaha hahaha.. please make me stop.....OMG... Dude, my seven year-old son knows what an IP is.... How old are you?

Now, let me explain it to you in my broken English: The IP is your Internet Protocol ID, it's like your address. It is NOT related to your email sweet heart, it is related to where you connect to the internet from. In other words, if I use the internet from Ecuador, I'll get an IP from Ecuador, if I use the internet in US, my IP will be from US. Now, if you go to your profile, you will see a little flag that represents your country THIS FLAG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHERE YOU CLAIM TO BE FROM it actually represents the IP from where you are using the internet. (In case you didn't get it yet, YOU CAN NOT CHANGE YOUR IP, specially YOU can not).

Now, I know this is probably hard to do, but let's try it: go to START on your machine, then select RUN, in the little box, please type CMD (hit enter) in the new window that opens, please type IPCONFIG and hit ENTER...

Oh YES YES YES, you got it, THAT is your identity; that's how they can track you down... :twisted:

Let's continue: the IP format is ###.###.###.### , please count the numbers, YES 12 of them, you got it! please go find tahitiwahini or detlef and ask them to be nice with you and calculate the number of combinations for you.

Now, just because I'm nice, I will repeat it just for you: The flag represents your IP, and the IP represents the country you are logging in from. Got it?

We'll cover the MAC address lesson on my next posting.

Now, since we have cleared that misconception you had about who claims what, and since I have serious concerns about your intellectual capacity, let me translate Incandeza's posting for you

Incandenza wrote:What's really impressive is that you managed to be multis in different continents.... the airfare alone must be killing you.

He's kidding, as in being sarcastic, u know the word? I actually DO NOT have two or three accounts and travel to different countries every time I play my turns just to get different IP. With the airfares these days, it will be cheaper to create my own CC site. Trust me, he's not being serious.

Now, back to my first posting, did you add me to your ignore list? PLEASE do NOT forget to do it.. I'll hate taking you out in another game and having you crying about it forever.

For now, farewell my friend, if you're nice enough, I may give you a couple of suggestions about how to stop being a SORE LOSER... 8)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:56 pm
Sorry for the double posting.. I just check my passport: :shock: I AM from Ecuador.. geez.....

Guilty, definitely, I apologize, I was born in the same country as 12 other million people, of which probably 10 or 12 (people, not million) are members of this site.. They are all my multis...

Guilty... guilty...

Oh, I lived in Norway for some years, will that make me responsible of being multis with some Norwegians I play with? I swear to you, I am NOT a multi with Cynthia...


Re: ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:44 pm
by Kid_A
Talapus wrote:I suspect these three players to all belong to one person. This a a great Multi cheat going on right here and I wouldn't have caught it except for the fact that they all took their turns when I did. ABSOLUTE_MASTER, Shacekenhall, & jrtgachep are in a triples game with myself and two others and each time they've gone, they all move at the same time. Look at the players work out every single move and fortification like this unless it's the same person doing it. They are on their second turn and already you can tell there is more going on then phenominal coordination. Let us know!

I've played with absolute several times. She is always polite and friendly, and she certainly doesn't need multiple accounts in order to beat anyone. I've witnessed her dominate several games that were full of credible high ranked players. If absolute is a multi I'd be very surprised.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:27 am
Talapus people in Ecuador apparently have the IQ's of rocks..*

Talapus wrote:...No wonder Ecuador is third world...*

Wow, some smart ass you are! :shock:

Comments like these are the seed for acts like 9/11, massacres and many wars I hope you've learned about in school.

Did you join CC to have fun playing the game, or because you have some Cho Seung-Hui** inside you? Do you experience some physical or mental pleasure when you hit the attack button?

Boy I feel sad for you, Baby Hitler!

*Source: Talapus pm to Shacekenhall
**Virginia Tech's killer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:33 am
by Anarkistsdream
Damn... Talapus just got OWNED!

Ecuador third world country

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:01 pm
by danielcalle

You must have received a very poor education, since you don't know where Ecuador is. Furthermore, you seem to have a poor understanding of other culture .We, ecuadorians, from a "third-world-country" can communicate in a different language than Spanish, something you don't seen to be able to do...

Think like a human not like an animal...HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:07 pm
by guerrillera1979
TALAPUS... Where did you study? Did you ever go to school ?
Because in my Country we learn about culture of differents countries,
including yours... I think you haven´t learned anything about Ecuador...
Ecuadorians are very lucky... in many aspects... we learn at least two languages in school... can send our kids to school without any worry, kids are still kids they don't use to play with guns...Also we learn about how to understand people like you.... :shock: That´s why i love my country... VIVA ECUADOR y VIVA GUAYAQUIL!!! also... VIVA LA CONSTITUYENTE!!! I love how daniel play... DANIEL ES EL MEJOR JUGADOR!!!.... bueno Paul tambien juega !!! jajajaja.... kisses for all of you...sore loser :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:10 pm
by Anarkistsdream
What does "Daniel is a major player" mean????

Who is Daniel, is what I am asking...


PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:13 pm
by Shacekenhall

y para no perder la costumbre: "y a la verga el emelec"......



Somos pocos pero locos

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:17 pm
by Anarkistsdream
Will someone tell me who the hell Daniel is and why he is a major player?


PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:18 pm
Anarkistsdream wrote:Will someone tell me who the hell Daniel is and why he is a major player?


She's saying Daniel is "the best Risk player" i think she means from Ecuador...But he's not, don't worry.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:19 pm
by guerrillera1979
Daniel is the best of the best.... if you want him to be the best in football he will... (i hope :D ) Daniel is like GOD! Dou you know what I mean?
VIVA EMELEC!!! be behavior Shacekenhall...
I want to say Hi to ELINA of the cross... she is like Mary...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:24 pm
by Kid_A
He pissed of the Ecuadorians, now he's in trouble


PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:24 pm
by jrgtachep
After all the things everybody said here, I just want to add to a few things:

First of all, we are ecuadorians, we are proud to be ecuadorians, yes we know each other is not a coincidence, we are friends, from the hood, from school, and from life.

We play risk in real life, we play soccer, and make steaks on sunday (with a lot of wine),

Yes we are a third world country, but a happy world, it appears that we all are the same person, probably because we're so close to everyone in a lot of ways and that will make us a big one person.

I feel sorry about Talapus, he was losing his game and the only thing he could do is accuse ABSOLUTE, SHACE and me, of being multis. After this I guess all ecuadorians are multis, at least that is what conquerclub staff makes me believe.

Lack attack, I love you work, but I only want to say this to you:

"Not only the first world is aloud to play in conquer" let us play as we always did, or in the words of Djimon Hounsou (amistad movie)


And for the record, Talapus you're the biggest asshole that ever existed,




PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:55 am
by b.k. barunt
You guys make me want to live in Ecuador. I'm sorry you have to put up with such nonsense here, but alas, we seem to have a lot of little cheesewankers like talapuss, who can't seem to handle losing. Talapuss, you sound like a whiny little twit - how old are you? I'd say about 14, and i'm being kind. You need to leave these people alone and learn to play the game without the litany of tears. Cheers.