by b00060 on Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:35 am
VeXd, players on this site are not stupid, we know what you are doing and we have heard all of the excuses before. Other players may not like me and other players may think I complain too much, but it is because I care about the integrity of this site and feel the urge to voice my opinions. I love your analogies, so here is one for you. You are the big kid in the playpen who constantly gets beat and then finds a way to cheat and get away with it and feels a sense of accomplishment in doing so. You are the kid who gets older and uses PED's and doesn't feel bad about the clean players he screwed over because someone else showed him how to juice and if he did it, then it is okay in your mind. You are the kid in the play pen who got his legos taken away when I beat you heads up in a game and then after I had the good nature of giving you some tips when you asked me about strategy, had a freemium account with a 700 rank join all 4 open games against me. Is that really the best way to teach a new player in your mind if they are in fact new? A map with settings that they have never ever played?
Not sure how your defense combats the fact that:
1) You played a bunch of accounts that joined at the same time, beat them and made them very low ranked
2) Then proceeded to play dubs games with the accounts that you made under 700 points against higher players.
3) Yes, I did post almost everyone of your dubs games as it appears you only play with those accounts.
4) You are using all of the same excuses as everyone else, we use a chat program that is why there is no chat in the game, she is learning the game, we play on a competitors site that is why we she is good.
Whether you created the games or not, it is cheating. Any player on here with experience knows that if he could take both turns in a dubs game or use a shell player to do it and have one of them be 3000 points less than him, he would sky rocket the ladder like you did. Check the history, you would lose 6 points or gain 43. I have said it once and I will say it again. I could very easily create a second, third or fourth account and never have them play on the same ip address and do exactly what you are doing. Including taking simultaneous turns. There are thousands of players on here who have the experience to perform such a task. It is the ones like you that actually do it and get away with it. My game count speaks for itself. I have seen everything on here and when you have played as much as me, things stick out like a sore thumb and this play is one of them. You sir hold a hollow rank and soil the system and this site. I am all for teaching new players and having them grow in rank....just not teaching new accounts.