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KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more [forum banned]

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:05 pm
by jltile1


The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse
Other: sexual harrasment
taking the fun out of the site

Game number(s):


Comments: Ok so first off i list the game chat so you have a understanding of how things came about. The first game i had to run inside, not around my comp and was not around and stated about my daughter, which i should not of done. Beacuse it was personal info. I state to not talk about my daughter she is 14, he gets it at that moment. The next game log is just to show he is talking about how he is 21. 11034196 He again refers to my under age daughter.11034292 he does it again. I foed him once and he sent me a Pm saying he was wrong and he would not do it and to please unfoe him so i accepted his sorry and unfoed him, but only for him to do it again. So i foed him again. 11107183 will only prove to you guys he is a racist in the Pm that he sent me. He refers to me as being a minority and what would that matter. He needs more than just a warning. I warned him myself before this for him just to start Pm the next day. Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:23 am
by kylegraves1

jl i like your wheels im not wc he dilikes them
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:19 am
by jltile1

And your pm me I don't pm you ???
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:18 am
by jltile1

You already said it not baiting you. You also commented on my rims again after your p was warned don't worry.
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:15 am
by kylegraves1

a minority

not baiting me into that
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:14 am
by jltile1

So if I am what?
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:14 am
by kylegraves1

if u were offended by what will said id say thats evidence to believe you are
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:12 am
by jltile1

So now I'm a minority?
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:11 am
by kylegraves1

and this isnt judge judy where the minorities always win
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:10 am
by jltile1

U obviously don't get much This is not Facebook where you speak how ever you want.
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:08 am
by kylegraves1

is that like double secret probation jl?
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:08 am
by jltile1

You must be giving up on this site. Beacuse trust me it's piling up when I have time you will have you date in cc forum.
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:06 am
by kylegraves1

she a screamer? i hope so
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:05 am
by jltile1

So I have about four things on you now. How are you conducting to making this site enjoyable? Your like a shit stain that can't be wiped.
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:05 am
by kylegraves1

i do jl i play with little girls like urs
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:03 am
by jltile1

I thought you have a life ???
Quote kylegraves1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:03 am
by kylegraves1

kiss my ass u know im better
Quote jltile1 Re: wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 8:01 am
by jltile1

Keep the talk up!
Quote kylegraves1 wheels
Sent: Mon May 28, 2012 7:49 am
by kylegraves1

hey bitch tell ur daughter she is sexy for me


Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:24 am
by kylegraves1

k jl?
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:24 am
by jltile1

Why even respond to you enjoy the forum you already got your warning maybe you need a break from here so you can get to your busy life and drive your geo metro round town picking up little under age girls...
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:20 am
by kylegraves1

im just trying to find out how a sad little tile man like u is so offended by a word that doesnt describe him
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:20 am
by jltile1

Now if you had a life the point to PM was what?? You are that stupid
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:18 am
by kylegraves1

jl i have a life and ur comments dont bother me

why would mine bother u?
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:17 am
by jltile1

It's cool racist sexual talk about a minor, harassment I can keep listing your as dumb as your profile
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:16 am
by kylegraves1

no im just saying rims, here i am trying to be nice and u act like this?
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:14 am
by jltile1

Ya you said what wc said quote so your saying nigs rims I get it
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:12 am
by kylegraves1

i just said i dont have rims jl
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:11 am
by jltile1

Ok that would be a racist remark in it self. I have more cars that chicks you slept with but you will be in the forum soon just letting it pile up still got all the game chat you just are one dumb kid ya
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:07 am
by kylegraves1

yeah man im this good in real life, and i have a car without those (as will called them) wheels
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 7:06 am
by jltile1

49 percent wins really are you really this stupid in real life I would hat to be you
Quote kylegraves1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 6:53 am
by kylegraves1

yeah you need to grow some balls and get some rank
Quote jltile1 Re: yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 6:51 am
by jltile1

Is that supposed to mean something
Quote kylegraves1 yo
Sent: Fri May 25, 2012 6:49 am
by kylegraves1

nice rank boy


Really He just has went to far anyone that has played with me know i can talk it up but i dont go out of my way to bother people or elitlle people. Getting Pms about my underage daughter is just out right wrong. And then after his P was warned about calling my rims ( Ni8838 Rims ) he send me a Pm quoting his comment, then talks about me being a minority. Why would any of that matter we are here to play the game roll some dice and have fun talking some mess is expected, but this is way to far. I have gave him plenty of warning that he was out of line ony for him to egg me on like he is above and beyond any punishment. For one talking about a 14 being a screamer sounds like sexual harrasment to me, aslo the fact that you are 21 as he stated. He had the personal info it was his own choice what he did with it.



PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:41 pm
by jltile1
Oh also forgot to add that he sent me a PM telling me he wanted to see my daughters tits. These PMs were sent from him first and I already foed him. He clearly has broken enough rules and should be perm banned from this site.


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:46 pm
by owenshooter
jltile1 wrote:Oh also forgot to add that he sent me a PM telling me he wanted to see my daughters tits. These PMs were sent from him first and I already foed him. He clearly has broken enough rules and should be perm banned from this site.

doesn't work that way... they are going to tell you to foe him and move on... he'll get a warning, period...-el Jesus negro

p.s.-it's the internetS man... it isn't his fault you can't control your daughter on the computer.


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:51 pm
by jltile1
owenshooter wrote:
jltile1 wrote:Oh also forgot to add that he sent me a PM telling me he wanted to see my daughters tits. These PMs were sent from him first and I already foed him. He clearly has broken enough rules and should be perm banned from this site.

doesn't work that way... they are going to tell you to foe him and move on... he'll get a warning, period...-el Jesus negro

p.s.-it's the internetS man... it isn't his fault you can't control your daughter on the computer.

Did you read any of this????? He has been foed twice matter of fact. My daughter is not on the Internet??? Maybe you should actually read before you start posting stuff in this thread.


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:04 pm
by Jdsizzleslice
Trolling at the least of this.

Just one of those people who doesn't respect people and just pushes past the limit...

Hope you're ok jltile


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:10 pm
by jltile1
Also why would his PM be (Wheels) ? He has went way past being annoying which in the community guidelines says will get you removed.. And common sense there is none here. Please do refer to the CA this month against his partner WCyoung where he also talks about my daughter in the thread. Kyle was also warned in that case.


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:38 pm
by rhp 1
sure...he went over the top, but if you put him on foe and didn't take him back off, the rest wouldn't have happened... and it's the internet bro... how does he know if you even have a daughter... foe and move on... I don't have a comment on the racism/bigotry thing as this site is so inconsistent on the rules when it comes to that that it's not worth the time to comment on it (though here I am commenting on it).. lol..


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:49 pm
by jltile1
rhp 1 wrote:sure...he went over the top, but if you put him on foe and didn't take him back off, the rest wouldn't have happened... and it's the internet bro... how does he know if you even have a daughter... foe and move on... I don't have a comment on the racism/bigotry thing as this site is so inconsistent on the rules when it comes to that that it's not worth the time to comment on it (though here I am commenting on it).. lol..

Ya bro he is foed he is sending me PMs because I have foed him. I sent the game numbers I showed up late to a game or something like that and said sorry that my daughter was baking some cookies I have played him and burn over 50 games not thinking he was such a punk, I did tell him I had a daughter my bad. But seriously come on to sit ther tell me you have a life but you start your night out sending me Privat Messages when you are foed telling me stuff about my daughter well that for me is simply not contributing to making the site enjoyable for me.

And ya it's words but when you have rules and polices as this site does, the rules should be followed and punishments shall be handed out.

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:44 am
by redhawk92
seriously jl half the stuff in your report never happened, we need to see screenshots
she is my age and my partners age and u were talking about her in a game and i said like 3 things and you report me about 5 weeks later?
this is a frivolous report and you need the warning jl
i also believe you are the only person to accuse me of things like this?
most of the stuff you posted was never said by either of us. :lol:

be a big boy jl and dont act like i some how made this less enjoyable for you?


PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:46 am
by redhawk92
owenshooter wrote:
jltile1 wrote:Oh also forgot to add that he sent me a PM telling me he wanted to see my daughters tits. These PMs were sent from him first and I already foed him. He clearly has broken enough rules and should be perm banned from this site.

doesn't work that way... they are going to tell you to foe him and move on... he'll get a warning, period...-el Jesus negro

p.s.-it's the internetS man... it isn't his fault you can't control your daughter on the computer.

and btw your 14 year old does need to stay off your account, account sharing is against the rules

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:55 am
by redhawk92
and these pms you made up dont even make sense it doesnt like flow like a conversation or anything

you are past retarded jl

you bitch and cry about every loss and talk shit when you win 1 of 4.

and i have you as a friend on fb jl remember?

and he is not black so the bigotry report against wcyoung should be reversed

when you put the name of your flooring business as your username you give up the right to be anonymous

you told me in chat the city you lived in and everything not that hard to find you btw

so any mod, tfo included, should know that jl here gave up his info on his own free will and i cracked a few jokes on his daughter, she is my age too

so if i have broken the unwritten rule, written by tfo, please let me know tfo since u jump on all these reports all the time and at like your the curse word police or something

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:04 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:seriously jl half the stuff in your report never happened, we need to see screenshots
she is my age and my partners age and u were talking about her in a game and i said like 3 things and you report me about 5 weeks later?
this is a frivolous report and you need the warning jl
i also believe you are the only person to accuse me of things like this?
most of the stuff you posted was never said by either of us. :lol:

be a big boy jl and dont act like i some how made this less enjoyable for you?

I simply copy and pasted all your PMs if you want a screen shot or what ever you want there still in my in box. Sorry I don't need to make up false reports about you are you worried that you did something wrong. :oops:

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:18 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:and these pms you made up dont even make sense it doesnt like flow like a conversation or anything

you are past retarded jl

you bitch and cry about every loss and talk shit when you win 1 of 4.

and i have you as a friend on fb jl remember?

and he is not black so the bigotry report against wcyoung should be reversed

when you put the name of your flooring business as your username you give up the right to be anonymous

you told me in chat the city you lived in and everything not that hard to find you btw

so any mod, tfo included, should know that jl here gave up his info on his own free will aOnd i cracked a few jokes on his daughter, she is my age too

so if i have broken the unwritten rule, written by tfo, please let me know tfo since u jump on all these reports all the time and at like your the curse word police or something

Are you so dense ?? You friend on FB not. Sorry Kyle I have declined in the past all your Skype request to play with you. So you were 21 now your 14? Your 14 with a car?

Come on you really need to get your story straight you said things after you were told was not ok. Then you Pm me with the same shit. You don't know anything about me but that I run a business and I live in California.

So sitting there on sykpe playing with people is not personal. We could of been on Skype playing and my daughter walk in, now does that mean you can tell me you want to f*ck her. How about asking to see her tits. Telling me she is a screamer now I'm sorry but you are one sick f*ck but I'm retarded who even using that word referring to someone. You really don't have any common sence. You must think of your self better than the next human being then post it in the forum for everyone to see =D>

The rules are not unwritten what do you not get.?

Community guidelines the very first sentence should say enough for you to comprehend.
Maybe you should spend some time looking into the rules instead of typing here so you can see the list of things you have done.
Also cyber harassment you should look up the definition.

And just so you know keep the thread on the topic not about me crying you somehow thinking you win 3 out of 4 games.

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:52 am
by redhawk92
jl ive never skyped you and if you want more of you personal info released please say so

and my age isnt your concern?

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:55 am
by redhawk92
will i be the first person busted for cyber harassment?

im not sure anyone ever has

this is 3rd grade stuff jl is complaining about

if he thinks im bad maybe he should play demonfork or codeblue

f*ck you jl (thats right i said it) go cry now? :lol:

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:18 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:jl ive never skyped you and if you want more of you personal info released please say so

and my age isnt your concern?

Empty the wall3233 wall comments • Page 89 of 647 • 1 ... 86878889909192 ... 647
i may if i see one i want to play

by kylegraves1
on Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:30 pm
you set up a skype account and ill play with u

by kylegraves1
on Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:24 pm
hey u want to play a dubs?

by kylegraves1
on Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:21 pm

You can say what you want here is more evidence. This is proof you can't tell the truth never said we skyped but that you asked me to Skype with you. On multiple occasions you had asked me.
And as far as talkin about personal info you can post what ever you like, feel free to say anything ya like. :o

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:24 am
by redhawk92
nah bc i think some stupid mod will still bust me

and yeah i did tell u you had to have skype to team with me bc i wanted to make sure u did exactly as i said

you not an elite player like u think you are jl

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:36 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:will i be the first person busted for cyber harassment?

im not sure anyone ever has

this is 3rd grade stuff jl is complaining about

if he thinks im bad maybe he should play demonfork or codeblue

f*ck you jl (thats right i said it) go cry now? :lol:

Cyber harassment or bulling is against the law please feel free to look up the penal codes via the net.

Third graders talk like that :?:

Now what does demork or code blue have to do with this thread beacuse you think your better than them. Demon was a conquer lol.

And thanks for the fu

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:41 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:nah bc i think some stupid mod will still bust me

and yeah i did tell u you had to have skype to team with me bc i wanted to make sure u did exactly as i said

you not an elite player like u think you are jl

Lol now stupid mods. It's like the people saying f the police it usually is the trouble makers that think like that and well here you are.

Why would I do what you say you have a one percent higher win record. And you play with a person on Skype and the same players every game. I one the other hand play with randoms and yet still can beat you.

But again what does this have to do with what you have done, does any of this make your case better or worse??

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:36 am
by redhawk92
jltile1 wrote:
kylegraves1 wrote:will i be the first person busted for cyber harassment?

im not sure anyone ever has

this is 3rd grade stuff jl is complaining about

if he thinks im bad maybe he should play demonfork or codeblue

f*ck you jl (thats right i said it) go cry now? :lol:

Cyber harassment or bulling is against the law please feel free to look up the penal codes via the net.

Third graders talk like that :?:

Now what does demork or code blue have to do with this thread beacuse you think your better than them. Demon was a conquer lol.

And thanks for the fu

first off your welcome and the fu was well deserved

go see a judge in cal and see if he will write a warrant for this stuff :lol:
and second off the demonfork think was meaning if you think im offensive play a game where u kick his ass and see how he talks?

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:46 am
by jltile1
kylegraves1 wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
kylegraves1 wrote:will i be the first person busted for cyber harassment?

im not sure anyone ever has

this is 3rd grade stuff jl is complaining about

if he thinks im bad maybe he should play demonfork or codeblue

f*ck you jl (thats right i said it) go cry now? :lol:

Cyber harassment or bulling is against the law please feel free to look up the penal codes via the net.

Third graders talk like that :?:

Now what does demork or code blue have to do with this thread beacuse you think your better than them. Demon was a conquer lol.

And thanks for the fu

first off your welcome and the fu was well deserved

go see a judge in cal and see if he will write a warrant for this stuff :lol:
and second off the demonfork think was meaning if you think im offensive play a game where u kick his ass and see how he talks?

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:09 am
by D00MandD3A7H
dumb dumb dumb... I support jltiles, at his defense... Clearly kyle is an idiot, and being a thorn in the side posting 3 consecutive posts. This is nothing but an argument. And yes kyle you are not elite either. Mods, lock this down, or make a ruling quickly, this is gonna get uglier.

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:25 am
by jltile1
jltile1 wrote:
kylegraves1 wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
kylegraves1 wrote:will i be the first person busted for cyber harassment?

im not sure anyone ever has

this is 3rd grade stuff jl is complaining about

if he thinks im bad maybe he should play demonfork or codeblue

f*ck you jl (thats right i said it) go cry now? :lol:

Cyber harassment or bulling is against the law please feel free to look up the penal codes via the net.

Third graders talk like that :?:

Now what does demork or code blue have to do with this thread beacuse you think your better than them. Demon was a conquer lol.

And thanks for the fu

first off your welcome and the fu was well deserved

go see a judge in cal and see if he will write a warrant for this stuff :lol:
and second off the demonfork think was meaning if you think im offensive play a game where u kick his ass and see how he talks?

The judge is CC

Please read the community guidelines

Please google cyber harassment

Please don't bring anyone else into the thread

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:03 am
by redhawk92
bc you dont want anyone to side with me jl?

none of my friends have posted but trust me we are all laughing at your dumb ass

and for you doom and death try unfoeing everyone who can beat you and see where u stack up?

Re: KYLEGRAVES1 cyber harassment and much more

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:10 am
by redhawk92
im still waiting on the local police or maybe even fbi or cia to kick in my door an arrest me

maybe you should call 911 eleven more times jl?