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Postby GeneralRisk on Sun May 13, 2012 6:38 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Bigotry

Game number(s):

Game 10951471

Comments:I seen this Bigot got away with calling the American President Chocolate faced so I decided to see if he gets away with calling him a fucking niger
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby Lindax on Sun May 13, 2012 6:56 pm

And let's see if you can get away with:

ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit

german lol

doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks

im gonna turn your 3rd world ass in

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby betiko on Sun May 13, 2012 7:00 pm

that was italian, pretty different from german.. and the guy has a picture of berlusconi, pretty much says it all.
i'd call it a 1-1.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun May 13, 2012 7:01 pm

Lindax wrote:And let's see if you can get away with:

ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit

german lol

doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks

im gonna turn your 3rd world ass in

I certainly should get away with saying it , esp after this bigot just got away with trashing Americans and jews
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby Lindax on Sun May 13, 2012 7:37 pm

So, after kind of provoking him....:

2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black
2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger

....You think it's ok to engage in prejudice and discrimination (which is very close, if not the same as bigotry) yourself?

Betiko's remark could be classified as prejudice as well, btw.

It is really time for the C&A team to put an end to this shit. If it smells like bigotry, looks like bigotry, walks like bigotry, it's probably bigotry.

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun May 13, 2012 7:56 pm

Lindax wrote:So, after kind of provoking him....:

2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black
2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger

....You think it's ok to engage in prejudice and discrimination (which is very close, if not the same as bigotry) yourself?

Betiko's remark could be classified as prejudice as well, btw.

It is really time for the C&A team to put an end to this shit. If it smells like bigotry, looks like bigotry, walks like bigotry, it's probably bigotry.

Dont mean shit what u smell,see and thinks is walking because I follow the rules.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby Lindax on Sun May 13, 2012 8:16 pm

king achilles wrote:Let's use our Common Sense when it comes to these bigoted/homophobic remarks. We will deal with these kind of reports based from the whole content and intended meaning.

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby Evolution299 on Sun May 13, 2012 9:15 pm

Dropping the N bomb should definitely get him at least a warning. Although GR is walking a tight line there on bigotry as well by definition.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby redhawk92 on Sun May 13, 2012 9:46 pm

can we get a list of every banned word?
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun May 13, 2012 10:10 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Dropping the N bomb should definitely get him at least a warning. Although GR is walking a tight line there on bigotry as well by definition.

Tight but not over the line as it were, And I remember beckytheblondie leading someone a whole lot worse than GR lead this guy, and becky walked.

And is saying someone is third world bigotry, if so you might want to call you local and national news medias and let them all know they are bigots.

So if becky walked after leading dude on about motor boating and playing with dolls, then lets be even here.

And the N word is world class bigotry not just in america. Dude knew exactly what he was saying. so again lets be even in punishments. BAN BAN BAN
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby redhawk92 on Mon May 14, 2012 12:29 am

sites all about war but you cant even talk shit anymore?
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger[

Postby sniffie on Mon May 14, 2012 1:17 am

looking into it. Didn't have the space to put my initials in the topic name. ;)

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger[

Postby Army of GOD on Mon May 14, 2012 1:52 am

That's some high quality comedy in the chat.
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger[

Postby jghost7 on Mon May 14, 2012 5:02 am

sniffie wrote:looking into it. Didn't have the space to put my initials in the topic name. ;)


You could back out some of the subject line in order to fit it in, in fact, it would probably be best if you did.

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby agentcom on Mon May 14, 2012 3:17 pm

A "Niger"? The American President is an African nation? I don't get it.

But seriously, if the mods were truly concerned about bigotry, they would warn both of these xenophobic idiots. They both appear to hold and express bigoted attitudes toward citizens of certain countries. Let's go to the tape. In the following, I have bolded the particular chat entries that I believe call for a warning for both players. My description is below the chat excerpts. However, the chat should be interpreted as a whole, so the entire chat has been reproduced.

2012-04-15 07:14:38 - gaerapi78: che culo .. buffone
2012-04-15 07:17:09 - GeneralRisk: ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit
2012-04-15 07:17:34 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:17:40 - gaerapi78: LOL
2012-04-15 07:18:12 - GeneralRisk: german lol

GeneralRisk does not just bait the guy. He begins by expressing his bigotry taking care to note that Gaerapi is a "foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit." Apparently, laughter was not the desired response from Gaerapi, so GeneralRisk made clear that he was trying to insult his nationality when he wrote "german lol." This prejudiced attitude toward foreigners, generally, and Germans, in particular, seems to be relatively unprovoked. The chat log was silent in the opening minutes of the game until Gaerapi wrote what Google Translate interprets as "that ass ... jester." (BTW, Ass jester is my new favorite insult). From a very brief look online, I think the terms have some connotation of luck (as GeneralRisk had just turned in a rainbow set). I think he was basically saying "you lucky clown" or something similar. But whatever Gaerapi was saying, there doesn't seem to be any bigotry until GeneralRisk began his xenophobic and anti-German remarks.

2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black

At this point things begin to escalate. Gaerapi falls back on his old "chocolate face" description of Barack Obama. This is not necessarily bigoted as other commentators have pointed out: "chocolate" may not be the preferred description of a black person, but as "chocolate" can be a color and is not necessarily perjorative, this isn't by itself evidence of bigotry. Neither is what could I interpret as GeneralRisk expressing his (and most Americans', at least) preference for the word "black" over "chocolate face" as a descriptor for black people. Though things are obviously becoming heated at this point, GeneralRisk is the only person that has actually expressed bigotry--based on the nationality of another player.

2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger
2012-04-15 07:21:48 - GeneralRisk: thats bigottry u piece of dogshit

Though GeneralRisk has the prose and grammar of a texting 16 year old who dropped out of 2nd grade and has had the South Park movie on repeat since that time, he hits the nail on the head when describing Gaerapi's comments as "bigottry" [sic]. Gaerapi has now not only responded with zenophobic and anti-American bigotry (describing "every" American as "fat," and America as "stupid") he has added racist language, clarifying that Obama is "not black," but that he is a "niger" [sic]. At this point, both players have expressed their bigotry based variously on nationality and race.

2012-04-15 07:22:02 - gaerapi78: where are you going for lunch today ?
2012-04-15 07:22:04 - gaerapi78: kcf
2012-04-15 07:22:07 - gaerapi78: kfc
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - GeneralRisk: im gonna turn your 3rd world ass in
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - gaerapi78: burger king
2012-04-15 07:22:17 - gaerapi78: md
2012-04-15 07:22:44 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:22:52 - GeneralRisk: enjoy the warning and or vacation
2012-04-15 07:23:01 - gaerapi78: LLLLOOOOOLLLLLL
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: F
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:08 - gaerapi78: C
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: K
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: Y
2012-04-15 07:23:10 - gaerapi78: O
2012-04-15 07:23:13 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:31 - GeneralRisk: see ya
2012-04-15 07:23:57 - gaerapi78: SAY HI TO MOM
2012-04-15 07:24:06 - gaerapi78: tell her i'll be home later
2012-04-15 07:24:08 - gaerapi78: SON
2012-04-15 07:24:10 - gaerapi78: lol

There's not much to see in the rest of chat, except a questionable reference to "3rd world ass" by GeneralRisk. Given the bigoted context of GeneralRisk's previous statements, this appears to be another anti-German reference. It may be a confused one (I'm not sure who thinks that Germany is a third world country), but it appears to demonstrate GeneralRisk's view of the primacy (or 1st world-ness) of America (and whatever other countries GeneralRisk favors over Germany). This provokes the desired (and somewhat amusing) response of Gaerapi that culminates this heated exchange.

If you read through the CC Rules, you will note that in Game Chat CC takes a "liberal approach" but "what is not allowed is any form of bigotry ... or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines" [emphasis added]. The discourse of both players certainly falls into the heading of "any form of bigotry" and probably falls into the one or more of the "extremes" from the Forum Guidelines.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby Evolution299 on Mon May 14, 2012 9:05 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Dropping the N bomb should definitely get him at least a warning. Although GR is walking a tight line there on bigotry as well by definition.

Tight but not over the line as it were, And I remember beckytheblondie leading someone a whole lot worse than GR lead this guy, and becky walked.

And is saying someone is third world bigotry, if so you might want to call you local and national news medias and let them all know they are bigots.

So if becky walked after leading dude on about motor boating and playing with dolls, then lets be even here.

And the N word is world class bigotry not just in america. Dude knew exactly what he was saying. so again lets be even in punishments. BAN BAN BAN

Saying someone is third world is not bigotry. But how it was intended (which is what KA mentioned in a previous post is a determining factor) could make it bigotry. GR's post could show a lack of tolerance (intolerance for a type of person/lifestyle) for third world people. This by definition is bigotry.
and the Becky the blondie case is a perfect example. Whether we believe it to be true or not, BG ruled that even the littlest thing as saying for a girl to go play with dolls is bigotry.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby jltile1 on Tue May 15, 2012 1:00 am

I thought Niger was a country or region in Africa ?
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby redhawk92 on Tue May 15, 2012 1:25 am

jltile1 wrote:I thought Niger was a country or region in Africa ?

glad to see u payed attention in geography jl
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby redhawk92 on Tue May 15, 2012 1:30 am

im glad i dont have a bigotphobia like yall :lol:
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby GeneralRisk on Tue May 15, 2012 4:10 am

agentcom wrote:A "Niger"? The American President is an African nation? I don't get it.Are u for real??

But seriously, if the mods were truly concerned about bigotry, they would warn both of these xenophobic idiots.Dont call me names you 1st world douchebag

2012-04-15 07:14:38 - gaerapi78: che culo .. buffone
2012-04-15 07:17:09 - GeneralRisk: ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit
2012-04-15 07:17:34 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:17:40 - gaerapi78: LOL
2012-04-15 07:18:12 - GeneralRisk: german lol

GeneralRisk does not just bait the guy. He begins by expressing his bigotry taking care to note that Gaerapi is a "foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit." Apparently, laughter was not the desired response from Gaerapi, so GeneralRisk made clear that he was trying to insult his nationality when he wrote "german lol."what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind. This prejudiced attitude toward foreigners, generally, and Germans, in particular, seems to be relatively unprovoked. The chat log was silent in the opening minutes of the game until Gaerapi wrote what Google Translate interprets as "that ass ... jester." (BTW, Ass jester is my new favorite insult). From a very brief look online, I think the terms have some connotation of luck (as GeneralRisk had just turned in a rainbow set). I think he was basically saying "you lucky clown" or something similar. But whatever Gaerapi was saying, there doesn't seem to be any bigotry until GeneralRisk began his xenophobic and anti-German remarks.

2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black

At this point things begin to escalate. Gaerapi falls back on his old "chocolate face" description of Barack Obama. This is not necessarily bigoted as other commentators have pointed out: "chocolate" may not be the preferred description of a black person, but as "chocolate" can be a color and is not necessarily perjorative, this isn't by itself evidence of bigotry. Neither is what could I interpret as GeneralRisk expressing his (and most Americans', at least) preference for the word "black" over "chocolate face" as a descriptor for black people. Though things are obviously becoming heated at this point, GeneralRisk is the only person that has actually expressed bigotry--based on the nationality of another player.

2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger
2012-04-15 07:21:48 - GeneralRisk: thats bigottry u piece of dogshit

Though GeneralRisk has the prose and grammar of a texting 16 year old who dropped out of 2nd grade and has had the South Park movie on repeat since that time,Not all of us 1st world citizens get a equal education and for you to flame me in this manner goes to show you are a first world asshole. he hits the nail on the head when describing Gaerapi's comments as "bigottry" [sic]. Gaerapi has now not only responded with zenophobic and anti-American bigotry (describing "every" American as "fat," and America as "stupid") he has added racist language, clarifying that Obama is "not black," but that he is a "niger" [sic]. At this point, both players have expressed their bigotry based variously on nationality and race.

2012-04-15 07:22:02 - gaerapi78: where are you going for lunch today ?
2012-04-15 07:22:04 - gaerapi78: kcf
2012-04-15 07:22:07 - gaerapi78: kfc
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - GeneralRisk: im gonna turn your 3rd world ass in
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - gaerapi78: burger king
2012-04-15 07:22:17 - gaerapi78: md
2012-04-15 07:22:44 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:22:52 - GeneralRisk: enjoy the warning and or vacation
2012-04-15 07:23:01 - gaerapi78: LLLLOOOOOLLLLLL
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: F
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:08 - gaerapi78: C
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: K
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: Y
2012-04-15 07:23:10 - gaerapi78: O
2012-04-15 07:23:13 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:31 - GeneralRisk: see ya
2012-04-15 07:23:57 - gaerapi78: SAY HI TO MOM
2012-04-15 07:24:06 - gaerapi78: tell her i'll be home later
2012-04-15 07:24:08 - gaerapi78: SON
2012-04-15 07:24:10 - gaerapi78: lol

There's not much to see in the rest of chat, except a questionable reference to "3rd world ass" by GeneralRisk. Given the bigoted context of GeneralRisk's previous statements, this appears to be another anti-German reference. It may be a confused one (I'm not sure who thinks that Germany is a third world country), but it appears to demonstrate GeneralRisk's view of the primacy (or 1st world-ness) of America (and whatever other countries GeneralRisk favors over Germany). This provokes the desired (and somewhat amusing) response of Gaerapi that culminates this heated exchange.

If you read through the CC Rules, you will note that in Game Chat CC takes a "liberal approach" but "what is not allowed is any form of bigotry ... or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines" [emphasis added]. The discourse of both players certainly falls into the heading of "any form of bigotry" and probably falls into the one or more of the "extremes" from the Forum Guidelines.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby betiko on Tue May 15, 2012 10:16 am

Lindax wrote:So, after kind of provoking him....:

2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black
2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger

....You think it's ok to engage in prejudice and discrimination (which is very close, if not the same as bigotry) yourself?

Betiko's remark could be classified as prejudice as well, btw.

It is really time for the C&A team to put an end to this shit. If it smells like bigotry, looks like bigotry, walks like bigotry, it's probably bigotry.


what? for saying that germans and italian are not the same thing? well here you go: english and americans are not the same thing! Dutch and belgians are not the same thing!!! woohooo! I'm such a badass!!! (for those who still didn't understand, the guy has an italian name, an italian prime minister as avatar, spoke italian and is nothing german..)

seriously Lx, I don't get what in the world in my statement could've been interpretated as prejudice. That I made a remark about the guy having Berlusconi as an avatar? a world class master of puppets who has mocked the italian people for so many years?
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger[

Postby Symmetry on Tue May 15, 2012 10:30 am

sniffie wrote:looking into it. Didn't have the space to put my initials in the topic name. ;)


What's to look into? Either you think calling Obama a "nigger" is bigoted or you don't. The evidence was provided, so you know he did do what the OP claimed, So what are you looking into?

I'm guessing that you're not looking into the history of how the word is used pejoratively, as you know that the accusation was pejorative.

What more can be given to explain how this was bigotry?
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby trinicardinal on Tue May 15, 2012 11:55 am

Well that game chat was certainly less than ideal. I'd say it was probably best to warn both of them since GeneralRisk's comments were far from the best as well... from my point of view both people made extremely insulting and bigoted remarks to the other ... It does help with additions to my foe list though
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN

Postby sniffie on Tue May 15, 2012 3:30 pm

Gaerapi78 is hereby warned for Bigotry.

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigot and called President Obama a Niger

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue May 15, 2012 3:48 pm

Evolution299 wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Dropping the N bomb should definitely get him at least a warning. Although GR is walking a tight line there on bigotry as well by definition.

Tight but not over the line as it were, And I remember beckytheblondie leading someone a whole lot worse than GR lead this guy, and becky walked.

And is saying someone is third world bigotry, if so you might want to call you local and national news medias and let them all know they are bigots.

So if becky walked after leading dude on about motor boating and playing with dolls, then lets be even here.

And the N word is world class bigotry not just in america. Dude knew exactly what he was saying. so again lets be even in punishments. BAN BAN BAN

Saying someone is third world is not bigotry. But how it was intended (which is what KA mentioned in a previous post is a determining factor) could make it bigotry. GR's post could show a lack of tolerance (intolerance for a type of person/lifestyle) for third world people. This by definition is bigotry.
and the Becky the blondie case is a perfect example. Whether we believe it to be true or not, BG ruled that even the littlest thing as saying for a girl to go play with dolls is bigotry.

Exactly but what you missed is the fact that becky specifically baited and lead that guy into what he eventually said,he caught a ban and becky walked, equal punishment is what needs to be looked at, If GR baited this idiot then the same rules should apply no punishment for GR. What GR said is up for interpetation from his point of view and from everyone else's.

He said one thing alot of people are deliberately trying to interpet it as intended full blown bigotry. I dont think so, retailiation yes,intentional bigot no.
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