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sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:19 pm
by PassIsPaws
Disclaimer - even though I've been in CC since the dawn of time - first time reporting so forgive me if things are done wrong.



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10993765
And pretty much EVERY game on their games list has all 3 players if not 2 of them.

I have glanced over their recent games list to the best of my ability but some of them have fog of war which prevents me from seeing all the action and judging everything entirely.
The only reason this is brought to my attention is because in the game I started: 10993765 There was some very illogical shady play going on.

You can read the chat logs for their games - its all a bit shady much of it being illogical. There were SEVERAL times when sudoku who was troop leader and bonus leader had 20+ vs a single border by one of the players mentioned and didn't break but instead poured everything into attacking other players.

They clearly play quite a few games together and people who don't REALIZE they will play favorites/ have secret alliances with people they play with 90% of their games/ are multi's are in for a rough surprise once they start playing completely illogical to that end in favor of their buddies. If you join a ffa game and have buddies you play with join you - you have to treat it like a ffa and not play with hidden agendas to not attack your friends. I consider that a secret alliance. This is all of course if they prove to not be multis - If you look at their profiles all 3 are from Uruguay. And 2 of them joined within a month of each other. I realize this isn't concrete evidence but I'm no multi hunter.

I wouldn't have noticed any of this had someone else in the game pointed it out to me via PM all of the shady business going on in their other games.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Pending]TFO

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:29 pm
by TheForgivenOne
They are Cleared of being Multi's. Will look into the SD claim.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Pending]TFO

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 5:03 am
by Sylvania
Greetings ,

Im in that game also and those 3 players by their way of playing (completely irationnal) really tend to mean thats only one player play 3 of them ...
they all from Uruguay , joined our game in 4, 5 and 6th position , play alot of games all together (sudoku and tinkos at least played 7+ games together!! .. kinda the same with juan89nx)

for what i think 80% chance they beeing multi and 200% if not multi they on secret diplomatie ... further to how they play that is to say completely focus to let win sudoku (in that london game)

also , in that london game (i did not check the chating in the other games they all playing together), their chating and attacks explanations are completely illogical and as i said always helping the same player

thats the first time i report someone in CC in several years but that time its too huge to avoid reporting

best regards,


Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Pending]TFO

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:31 am
by Sylvania
I just been eliminated from the game .. and then after from round 19 to 25 the 3 players we talking about played like regularly one after one ... SEE GAME LOG

another proof that we have one player PLAYING MULTI

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Pending]TFO

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:43 am
by Sylvania
"To TheForgivenOne"

Game just finished and as expected the 3 players or should i say the multi-player played it untill dawn with no break once i ve been eliminated

Its very annoying to lose VS a Private and lose 51pts with such a cheating ...

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Pending]TFO

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:52 am
by TheForgivenOne
As I said already, they aren't the same player. The tools that the hunters use say they aren't Multi's.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Noted]TFO

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:57 am
by TheForgivenOne
I read through the log of the game you showed me, and one other game where all 3 were present. While I do agree with you, it does look very suspicious, as of right now, I feel like I don't have enough evidence to hand out a warning. So for right now, I am going to Note this report for all 3. HOWEVER, I will keep an eye on the 3 of them over the next couple games they play. If i see more suspicious play, I will upgrade it from a Note into a Warning. So no, they aren't getting off Scott-free, because I will be watching them.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Noted]TFO

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:06 am
by PassIsPaws
I appreciate that you'll watch their next couple of games.

I get the feeling a warning is in their future.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Noted]TFO

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:04 am
by TheForgivenOne
Update: I am handing out a Warningto all 3 of them.

Re: sudokU, tinkos, juan89nx [Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:39 pm
by sudokU
My apologies first if we hurted somebody with our behaviour. We are not a multi player, we use conquertell to know when its our turn to play. And if there where no tool, they are my friends, I can contact them and tell them that its their turn.

Since they are my friends I am sorry for not being impartial and prefer to attack you instead of them. For being trust again I will only play doubles or triples with them. They will do what they want..

If its a matter of points, lets play some maps till you recover your points. I don't care..

P.S.: "My apologies first if we hurted somebody with our behaviour" I was victim of this kind of behaviour before, so I thought it was ok. If you are going to kick somebody lets be me..