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babagonosh - holding hostage [Warned] DCR

Wed May 09, 2012 3:57 pm
by Gumby1
accused: babagonosh
accused of: holding hostage and refusing to end game
game #: 11073047
At round 14 the game was, for all intense purposes, decided. babagonosh had me cornered and completely outnumbered. He even stated that it would be over in 2 more rounds (the game was "Trench" so he was unable to eliminate me in 1 turn). I hate giving up however, so I cashed my cards and continued to attack (extending the game another few rounds). I even made a joke about it, posting that it would take him 3 more rounds to finish me off now. For some reason babagonosh took exception to the fact that I did not lay down and give up for him. Instead of ending the game in 3 more turns, he held me hostage on 2 territories in Australia and continued to build his troops around the world. This lasted from approximately 21:39 until 22:02, and extended the game until round 42. He still refused to end the game, and forced me to sit out and get "kicked out" of the game for missing 3 turns. I never miss a turn, and I hate doing this. He gave me no other option. His excuse for doing this was that he was teaching me a lesson because I didn't role over and give him the game, instead I cashed my cards and attacked him. This is very poor sportsmanship and I feel it goes against at least 2 of the 3 ratings on Conquer Club, fair play and attitude. It was totally unfair and unreasonable for him to make me have to get kicked out of a game just to finish it. He should be held accountable for this.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 4:24 pm
by ubcman64
gumby7524 wrote: This lasted from approximately 21:39 until 22:02, and extended the game until round 42.
so he extended the game another 23 minutes? ......evil, pure evil
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 4:48 pm
by Gumby1
It would have been more if I hadn't sat out 3 turns and got kicked out. Something I never do but was forced to because he refused to end the game.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 4:58 pm
by PassIsPaws
It's not how big the scratch on your car is. It's the fact he scratched it.
Holding hostage is against the rules is it not?
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 6:03 pm
by Gumby1
Indeed it is .... the "Unwritten Rules" however.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 7:08 pm
by rhp 1
PassIsPaws wrote:It's not how big the scratch on your car is. It's the fact he scratched it.
Holding hostage is against the rules is it not?
haha... nice analogy...
it happens.. foe and move on
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 7:10 pm
by rhp 1
gumby7524 wrote:accused: babagonosh
accused of: holding hostage and refusing to end game
game #: 11073047
At round 14 the game was, for all intense purposes, decided. babagonosh had me cornered and completely outnumbered. He even stated that it would be over in 2 more rounds (the game was "Trench" so he was unable to eliminate me in 1 turn). I hate giving up however, so I cashed my cards and continued to attack (extending the game another few rounds). I even made a joke about it, posting that it would take him 3 more rounds to finish me off now. For some reason babagonosh took exception to the fact that I did not lay down and give up for him. Instead of ending the game in 3 more turns, he held me hostage on 2 territories in Australia and continued to build his troops around the world. This lasted from approximately 21:39 until 22:02, and extended the game until round 42. He still refused to end the game, and forced me to sit out and get "kicked out" of the game for missing 3 turns. I never miss a turn, and I hate doing this. He gave me no other option. His excuse for doing this was that he was teaching me a lesson because I didn't role over and give him the game, instead I cashed my cards and attacked him. This is very poor sportsmanship and I feel it goes against at least 2 of the 3 ratings on Conquer Club, fair play and attitude. It was totally unfair and unreasonable for him to make me have to get kicked out of a game just to finish it. He should be held accountable for this.
by the way.. an argument can be made that when you have no chance of winning a game, it's unsportsmanlike to not roll over.. not saying that people should, just saying the argument could be made...
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 9:18 pm
by Gumby1
Indeed .... that was certainly his argument. However, one must ask, just because I am losing, does that mean I should give up? I never have in any sports game that I have ever played. Even when you are out of it, you still try. You should consider, however, does playing out a game until the end justify a player holding me hostage for an exorbitant amount of turns, eventually making me sit out to end the game? I think not. If you don't want to play a full game, don't. Simple. Why punish me for playing it out. It shows little class and even less sportsmanship.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 9:42 pm
by everywhere116
You prolonged the game by one round by cashing in, so he prolonged the game by 30 rounds to teach you a lesson.
Impeccable logic. I can't fathom any circumstance where someone in your position would believe that they were in the right. Everyone knows that if the opponent gets even a slight lead then you must give up so that people can get more games in.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 9:58 pm
by redhawk92
you were beat and you prolonged the game.
he kind of just gave u what u wanted, a longer game
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 10:26 pm
by rhp 1
gumby7524 wrote:Indeed .... that was certainly his argument. However, one must ask, just because I am losing, does that mean I should give up? I never have in any sports game that I have ever played. Even when you are out of it, you still try. You should consider, however, does playing out a game until the end justify a player holding me hostage for an exorbitant amount of turns, eventually making me sit out to end the game? I think not. If you don't want to play a full game, don't. Simple. Why punish me for playing it out. It shows little class and even less sportsmanship.
I'm actually 60/40 on your side, but as i've said earlier he believed your play was unsportsmanlike, so he retaliated... or in his words "gave you what he wanted" a longer game... I've played just about every sport imaginable, and while you never give up (intentionally) in an organized sport, I would hardly call CC a "sport"... talk about hyperbole.... It's clear as hell in many games when one player has NO shot at all, and when I play "friends" on here in 1 v 1's, ending quickly (suiciding, not trading) is common...
just food for thought... did he take it too far? probably... but you and your friend were a lot less civil than he was (not that this is the issue) and he wanted to teach you lesson... like i said, marginally on your side, but I get where he was coming from...
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 10:49 pm
by Graceless_
I literally cannot believe this is even a debate. How many of you have ever played an organized sport or any competitive event in real life before? You play until the end of the game and don't give up. I cannot believe people are actually on here saying that he should have just rolled over and conceded? Anyway, like someone said, Gumby might have prolonged it by what, one round? He then adds an extra 30 rounds to "teach him a lesson"? I would NEVER expect someone to give up against me even if it is a bit annoying when a game goes on for another round or two. A lot of the people in this thread are almost as ridiculous as the immature 39 year old who threw a temper tantrum because he had to god forbid, take an extra turn.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 11:11 pm
by Jdsizzleslice
Benzorrr wrote:I literally cannot believe this is even a debate. How many of you have ever played an organized sport or any competitive event in real life before? You play until the end of the game and don't give up. I cannot believe people are actually on here saying that he should have just rolled over and conceded? Anyway, like someone said, Gumby might have prolonged it by what, one round? He then adds an extra 30 rounds to "teach him a lesson"? I would NEVER expect someone to give up against me even if it is a bit annoying when a game goes on for another round or two. A lot of the people in this thread are almost as ridiculous as the immature 39 year old who threw a temper tantrum because he had to god forbid, take an extra turn.
This is pretty much the most accurate post here... As I can see 1-2 rounds of not attacking is fine, but 30? C-mon...
And never give up. Even if you are about to lose.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 11:14 pm
by squishyg
Generally speaking, I play to win, even when all hope is lost. I have encountered players who are annoyed by that, but they handled it by talking to me.
There are times though when it's good sportsmanship to deploy and not attack. In an multiplayer escalating game I would say its poor form to take a card if you're down to a few troops as a result of a botched kill. You're basically just giving a card to the player below you. And I don't attack if I'm the last player alive in a team game and I'm about to be eliminated.
So I have a general rule of thumb, but there are exceptions to it. We all play different, but we should treat everyone with respect. This is war darn it, not a common street fight!
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Wed May 09, 2012 11:49 pm
by babagonosh
If he had said that it was poor form to extend the game for another couple of rounds when it was 100% over (unless I lost every roll or missed 3 turns in a row), then I would have ended the game.
But he started to insult me and drag his friend in to insult me as well. That doesn't give me much reason to be kind to him. I do hope the people commenting in here go and read the full log before they take sides....Or are we sentenced without hearing all the evidence?
If it wasn't for a friend I wouldn't know this thread existed or have had a chance to give my view of things.
Had he just once told me that it would have been better not to prolong a dead game, then i would have ended it. But he antagonized me and that just made me stubborn.
Final word......I play Chess on occasion and in there it is customary to lay down your king and resign once the game is over. And that is what I play by here. People that have played me over the last few months will know once I am too far in actual men and deployment then i suicide on neutrals to end it quickly for both parties.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 12:19 am
by redhawk92
babagonosh wrote:If he had said that it was poor form to extend the game for another couple of rounds when it was 100% over (unless I lost every roll or missed 3 turns in a row), then I would have ended the game.
But he started to insult me and drag his friend in to insult me as well. That doesn't give me much reason to be kind to him. I do hope the people commenting in here go and read the full log before they take sides....Or are we sentenced without hearing all the evidence?
If it wasn't for a friend I wouldn't know this thread existed or have had a chance to give my view of things.
Had he just once told me that it would have been better not to prolong a dead game, then i would have ended it. But he antagonized me and that just made me stubborn.
Final word......I play Chess on occasion and in there it is customary to lay down your king and resign once the game is over. And that is what I play by here. People that have played me over the last few months will know once I am too far in actual men and deployment then i suicide on neutrals to end it quickly for both parties.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 12:25 am
by babagonosh
I just read the log again and thought I wanted to share for all to go and look at the real #: 11073047
2012-05-08 21:37:36 - babagonosh: 2 more rounds
2012-05-08 21:39:12 - babagonosh: why fight?
2012-05-08 21:39:17 - gumby7524: lol .... i made it 3 more rounds
2012-05-08 21:39:23 - gumby7524: never give up!!!!
2012-05-08 21:39:38 - babagonosh: can prolong....but not why?
2012-05-08 21:39:53 - gumby7524: come back here .... I'll bite your head off!
2012-05-08 21:40:03 - babagonosh: ok...if you want to prolong...we can do that
2012-05-08 21:40:18 - gumby7524: just end it mate
2012-05-08 21:40:29 - gumby7524: i was only cashing my cards for the last turn
2012-05-08 21:40:53 - babagonosh: you ask me to end it.....but you want to cash and fight more....please choose 1
2012-05-08 21:41:09 - babagonosh: you could cash and not attack
2012-05-08 21:41:29 - babagonosh: so why attack and make it 2 rounds more if you want it to end?
2012-05-08 21:41:59 - gumby7524: you are being a real dick
2012-05-08 21:39:17 - gumby7524: lol .... i made it 3 more rounds
2012-05-08 21:40:18 - gumby7524: just end it mate
one minute after he was so happy about having prolonged the game he is asking me to end it???
Where is the logic I ask you?
2012-05-08 21:41:29 - babagonosh: so why attack and make it 2 rounds more if you want it to end?
2012-05-08 21:41:59 - gumby7524: you are being a real dick
I ask a simple question and he calls me a dick????? Is that what he wants to put in abuse?
He wants to complain about me when he starts by calling me a dick????
Why should I be nice to a person who calls me a dick?......Is that the kind of place we want CC to be?...You talk any way you want to your opponent and then expect then to be nice to you after?
I feel like shit that I even have to reply to something like this..........It shouldn't have to be like this...
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 12:28 am
by redhawk92
some people need mods to make them feel better about there selves
if you would have won the game you could have held him gumby
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 1:17 am
by agentcom
I've played team games (on the same team and some in opposition) with the Gumby, Baba and Ben. I can't resist but make a few comments.
- All three of them are good players and good people (as far as one can tell from playing CC with someone).
- That's the most I've ever seen Gumby say in chat, especially to the other team. Not that the guy is silent, but I guess I've just never seen him riled up before.
- I love that Ben stopped by just to talk shit. I can't help but laugh at that one. Ben's one of my favorite players on the site, so I'm a little biased.
- Prolonging a game is not illegal. Holding someone hostage is. So the comparison between what Gumby and Baba did falls apart.
- Both (all three) players got out of hand, but talking trash in chat isn't against the rules unless you do something really bad (usually bigotry). Here, that did not happen.
- I think this is a clear (CLEAR!) case of holding someone hostage and should be dealt with as such. You don't see many of these cases, but I would imagine that the first instance is a warning. That's what should happen here. It's really not that severe of a punishment for someone who doesn't regularly do this. I can't imagine that Baba regularly does this.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 1:36 am
by babagonosh
Reply for agentcom
So I should be polite to people that call me a dick?
I should play by the rules and be nice to people who talk shit to me?
Is that what you are telling me?
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 1:44 am
by babagonosh
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game
by PassIsPaws on Wed May 09, 2012 4:58 pm
It's not how big the scratch on your car is. It's the fact he scratched it.
Holding hostage is against the rules is it not?
So it is Ok for him to scratch my car.......But I can not scratch his?
2012-05-08 21:39:17 - gumby7524: lol .... i made it 3 more rounds
He didn't do it to win the game. He only did it to prolong the game......which is what I did too. I was just able to prolong it longer then him.
Why can he do it for fun and I can not?
Did I do it longer then him?.....yes I did
But why is it fun when he annoys me.....and not fun when I annoy him?
Why can they talk shit and make me feel bad......but I can not do anything to make them feel bad?
I am 100% sure not saying what I did was good.......But I don't think I should be expected to take shit from other people too.
And called me a dick is giving me shit.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 1:48 am
by babagonosh
Dont ask for respect and courtesy from other people if you can't give it too.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage [Warned] DCR

Thu May 10, 2012 5:51 am
by deathcomesrippin
babagonosh has been Warned for Hostage Holding.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage [Warned] DCR

Thu May 10, 2012 6:39 am
by Gumby1
As stated, I prolonged the game by one turn, two at most. In a two player game that equates to 4 minutes at most. However, we all know how crazy CC dice are. If he had roled dead for a few turns in a row and I had great dice, then the game may have turned. 99.9% chance no, but worth the shot (see an extra 4 minutes at most). As for my language, yes I did swear at him after a while. I was civil for the first "extra" few turns that he took. I even joked about it. When it became quite clear that he was refusing to end the game, I got angry and swore. For that I apologize to babagonosh. I do not apologize for taking my turn and cashing my cards, however. An extra 2 to 4 minutes means nothing. An extra 23 minutes and 30 turns is unforgivable. And remember please, I eventually ended the game by sitting out. He held me hostage (which is against the "unwritten rules") and refused to end the game. I was forced to end the game by sitting. Poor sportsmanship, plain and simple.
Re: babagonosh - holding hostage and refusing to end game

Thu May 10, 2012 10:25 am
by Evolution299
rhp 1 wrote:gumby7524 wrote:accused: babagonosh
accused of: holding hostage and refusing to end game
game #: 11073047
At round 14 the game was, for all intense purposes, decided. babagonosh had me cornered and completely outnumbered. He even stated that it would be over in 2 more rounds (the game was "Trench" so he was unable to eliminate me in 1 turn). I hate giving up however, so I cashed my cards and continued to attack (extending the game another few rounds). I even made a joke about it, posting that it would take him 3 more rounds to finish me off now. For some reason babagonosh took exception to the fact that I did not lay down and give up for him. Instead of ending the game in 3 more turns, he held me hostage on 2 territories in Australia and continued to build his troops around the world. This lasted from approximately 21:39 until 22:02, and extended the game until round 42. He still refused to end the game, and forced me to sit out and get "kicked out" of the game for missing 3 turns. I never miss a turn, and I hate doing this. He gave me no other option. His excuse for doing this was that he was teaching me a lesson because I didn't role over and give him the game, instead I cashed my cards and attacked him. This is very poor sportsmanship and I feel it goes against at least 2 of the 3 ratings on Conquer Club, fair play and attitude. It was totally unfair and unreasonable for him to make me have to get kicked out of a game just to finish it. He should be held accountable for this.
by the way.. an argument can be made that when you have no chance of winning a game, it's unsportsmanlike to not roll over.. not saying that people should, just saying the argument could be made...
You must have never played a sport in your life. If I was your parent and you just gave up because you were losing, I would have whooped your ass.