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petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:33 am
by Andwyn

petrovic ivan

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Comments: This game is practically over now, but noticing both of their attacking cycles, as well as their names is a fairly clear showing of this being the same person. Not to mention one of the players has a ? ranking. Using the two characters, Ivan managed to take the game from the rest of the players.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:34 am
by Andwyn
Not to mention both players ARE in fact from Serbia, a not-so-well populated country for this game.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:49 am
by freakns
Andwyn wrote:Not to mention both players ARE in fact from Serbia, a not-so-well populated country for this game.

really? im from Serbia too... most of my clan is from Serbia... are we all multis then?

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:52 am
by Andwyn
I did not mean that in a way to attack you or anyone else from Serbia. I apologize.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:53 am
by nietzsche
multis for sure, same name, the 2nd account just joined, they took the turns right after each other.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:53 am
by Andwyn
I simply meant that not very many Conquer players are from that Country. Majority of players reside in major European countries, or the United States/Canada

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:54 am
by nietzsche
Andwyn wrote:I simply meant that not very many Conquer players are from that Country. Majority of players reside in European countries, or the United States/Canada


You are making a fool of yourself lol. Serbia is in Europe.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:36 am
by Karl_R_Kroenen

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:16 am
by Qwert
Andwyn wrote:Not to mention both players ARE in fact from Serbia, a not-so-well populated country for this game.

Actualy if you use statistic, then player form Serbia are in top 10-15 countries with players( ofcourse this not mean that all players are multi)

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:48 am
by maxfaraday
qwert wrote:
Andwyn wrote:Not to mention both players ARE in fact from Serbia, a not-so-well populated country for this game.

Actualy if you use statistic, then player form Serbia are in top 10-15 countries with players( ofcourse this not mean that all players are multi)

There are even top players in Croatia... ;)

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:22 am
by freakns
maxfaraday wrote:
qwert wrote:
Andwyn wrote:Not to mention both players ARE in fact from Serbia, a not-so-well populated country for this game.

Actualy if you use statistic, then player form Serbia are in top 10-15 countries with players( ofcourse this not mean that all players are multi)

There are even top players in Croatia... ;)

i think you misunderstood qwertish language here... he meant Serbia is 10-15th country by number of players represented...
also, if there are top players from Croatia on this site, what it has to do with his statement, no matter how you understood it?

as for OP, not only that you didnt know where Serbia is(which is... i dunno is laughable strong enough word), but in your attempt to straighten yourself, you manage to offend us even more... why Serbia isnt major European country? Serbia is created in 7th century, making it one of the oldest countries in Europe. at the beginning of 14th century, during reign of emperor Dusan, Serbia was most powerful country in Europe(if you count Ottoman Empire as asian empire). and his manifest, Dusan's code, was first constitution that clearly declared what are obligations of ruling class over serfs. first ever. and not only that we have no1 tennis player in the world at this moment, we also had most brilliant scientist ever, Nikola Tesla. we are also country responsible for WW I, at least thats what Austrians said when Gavrilo Princip, Serbian, assassinate Franz Ferdinand, austrian prince... and if all of that is not enough to be significant, we have the biggest number of war criminals since WW II... and you drop bomb on us. not ordinary bombs, but cluster bombs(which are forbidden by international law and Geneva convention) and the ones containing depleted uranium... and all of that makes us insignificant and you dont even know where Serbia is?! dough!

ps. im pulling your chains a little, i know you meant nothing bad ;)

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:16 pm
by benga
LOL this thread is starting to sound ridiculous, nobody is reading right what others are writing/meaning.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:25 pm
by Andwyn
Yeah, people decided that I don't know the geographical location of a country and it all just went to hell from there lol. It's alright though, I just wanted to help out the community by getting rid of a couple more cheaters. Mission accomplished! Thanks all.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:58 pm
by Qwert
Andwyn wrote:Yeah, people decided that I don't know the geological location of a country and it all just went to hell from there lol. It's alright though, I just wanted to help out the community by getting rid of a couple more cheaters. Mission accomplished! Thanks all.

mine english are not great(probably because im born serbian in serbian province of vojvodina,where people speak serbian language), but do you mean GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION instead GEOLOGICAL LOCATION ?

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 1:08 pm
by Karl_R_Kroenen
benga wrote:LOL this thread is starting to sound ridiculous, nobody is reading right what others are writing/meaning.

I agree.... let's take this somewhere else...perhaps GD?

Let's also drop the location accusations; that is a slippery slope that no one wants to go down...

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:22 pm
by Andwyn
qwert wrote:
Andwyn wrote:Yeah, people decided that I don't know the geological location of a country and it all just went to hell from there lol. It's alright though, I just wanted to help out the community by getting rid of a couple more cheaters. Mission accomplished! Thanks all.

mine english are not great(probably because im born serbian in serbian province of vojvodina,where people speak serbian language), but do you mean GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION instead GEOLOGICAL LOCATION ?

Lmaooo. Man, I keep looking better and better don't I? In my defense, I had woken up not 5 minutes before jumping on here and posting that. Thanks for the help, I'm just some idiot.

Re: petrovic ivan /// ivanpm [BUSTED] KRK

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:28 pm
by TheForgivenOne