Conquer Club

Secret Alliance: Bombardier & Spawn Of Devil

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Secret Alliance: Bombardier & Spawn Of Devil

Postby krusher on Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:27 pm

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Bombardier & Spawn Of Devil

Game number: 359952

Comments: As soon as I started geting the upper hand on our 1vs1vs1 game out of no where I start noticing them teaming up on me simultaneous without speaking to each other in the game, either these 2 guys can read each others minds or they were comunicating some how through pm.... they also play exactly at the same time and protect each other's borders for example: Spawn Of Devil had 3 guys in belarus and Bombardier had 3 guys in Arkhangelsk instead of Bombardier doing the logical thing and fortifing moscow so that Spawn Of Devil wouldnt attack his exposed russia bonus with no defences he instead fortified 2 guys to Ukraine making a wall protecting his continent from me with the help of spawn even though spwan was still attacking and could of easily taken his bonus he did no and attacked me instead.

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