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Twin Killler [cleared] BG

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:06 pm
by alster

Twin Killler

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Ratings abuse?


LOL. Stumbled upon his left ratings. It looks very weird with the tags a 1-1-1s all over the place. No need to describe it really, one could just take a look. Not sure exactly what the standards for "ratings abuse" is, but with this guy I get the impression that it's probably better that he stops handing out ratings all together.

Re: Twin Killler

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:44 pm
by SimplyObsessed
I don't think this is ratings abuse. He plays loads of 5/8 player Assassin, Freestyle, 1 minute games on Doodle/Luxembourg maps.. I know from experience on those types of games that there are lots of idiots. Thats not to say that I necessarily agree with his idea of what a bad move is, we've had our disputes over that in the past, but when someone makes stupid moves he just rates them accordingly.

Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:48 am
by DresdenSooner
I am the recipient of just such a rating. I find that Twin Killers idea of an idiot is anyone who might make a move to prevent him from winning. So if he is your target, then you're automatically an idiot for attacking him.

And just to point out in that style game, one strategy often employed if your target is right next to you, is to auto attack as soon as the rounds starts, hoping to attack before your target can place troops. If your target is spread out, then you wait to see what the others do.

And one final note, I look at my ratings maybe once every 2 months just for the laughs. Oh, and sometimes, I get good constructive criticism that has helped me, or I'm reminded of an especially bad game I played, but other than that I ignore the ratings, anyway.


Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:14 pm
by sniffie
It is true that a lot of players that play speed doodle assassin are only seeing the amount of points that they can win, and forget they are somebody else's target as well. They attack to quickly and get taken out themselves, or they attack a player that is not their target, not very smart when every player has only 2 territs.

From a lot of players that have been rated 1 star I know for sure that they don't make those mistakes, I know that because I play the same type of game myself. So those ratings could come from being a "bad looser". But a lot of players he rated do make that mistakes, I thought nobody took the time to give them all a negative rating.


Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:30 pm
by BGtheBrain

Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:45 pm
by will_mp40
he's foed me many times for getting him out on these games and swearing at me for no reason i can see why he puts them, cause he doesnt get his own way.

Re: Twin Killler

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Jdsizzleslice
SimplyObsessed wrote:I don't think this is ratings abuse. He plays loads of 5/8 player Assassin, Freestyle, 1 minute games on Doodle/Luxembourg maps.. I know from experience on those types of games that there are lots of idiots. Thats not to say that I necessarily agree with his idea of what a bad move is, we've had our disputes over that in the past, but when someone makes stupid moves he just rates them accordingly.

Agreed. We encounter a lot of noobs in these games. We all just rate what we think the other guy did wrong. Sometimes IT just ticks us off a lot.

Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:58 pm
by alster
BGtheBrain wrote:Can you give me 5 ratings that you find questionable.
Feel free to give me more if you want.

No, I'm fine thank you. I think it's fairly obvious from the ratings handed out, the tags and the responses that this guy is a sore looser and hands out shitty ratings all over the place. The rating list pretty much lacks any positive ratings, very unbalanced. If I recall correctly, that has in the past been a "ratings abuse" (i.e. defending every single bad rating has not been an excuse to solely hand out shitty ratings).

Re: Twin Killler [pending] BG

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:18 pm
by BGtheBrain