Gen.LeeGettinhed [warned]

The accused is suspected of:
Other: Abuse of the invitation system by bringing unsuspecting players into games they were not prepared for.
Game number(s):
Far too numerous to list (1,003 at the last count). Just search GLG 1v1 games for a complete picture.
Lots of comments. These are replies from players he has deceived. Players such as you and I who comprise 99.9% of everyone on this site who simply want to come on here, play a fair game, and hope that everyone else abides by the same code of conduct.
The question to these respondents was whether they felt abused. Well they do, hence this subject deserves a new C&A report to draw attention to just how many people GLG has disenfranchised from a seemingly innocent and fair game site.
Please bear in mind these responses are from players who comprise just one page out of 14 who GLG has played at 1v1.
Can you honestly say that this person is beneficial in any way to this site?
The accused is suspected of:
Other: Abuse of the invitation system by bringing unsuspecting players into games they were not prepared for.
Game number(s):
Far too numerous to list (1,003 at the last count). Just search GLG 1v1 games for a complete picture.
Lots of comments. These are replies from players he has deceived. Players such as you and I who comprise 99.9% of everyone on this site who simply want to come on here, play a fair game, and hope that everyone else abides by the same code of conduct.
The question to these respondents was whether they felt abused. Well they do, hence this subject deserves a new C&A report to draw attention to just how many people GLG has disenfranchised from a seemingly innocent and fair game site.
Please bear in mind these responses are from players who comprise just one page out of 14 who GLG has played at 1v1.
Can you honestly say that this person is beneficial in any way to this site?
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:39 pm
From: n11cod
To: Chariot of Fire
Hi friend,
I remember it well, I was invited out of the blue to play the game. I had no idea what I was doing but he did come across all friendly and at the end did give a few pointers. However it was clear from minute one that I was not going to stand a chance. I was drawn into it, I should have declined but you do feel some what humbled when asked to play.
I know this kind of thing goes on, it's happened before, it does make a mockery of the point scoring system and leader board, I now take no notice of it for that reason.
I would like to think that something could be done about it but can't see what.
In answer you your question, I do see myself as a victim.
Let me know your thought.
Cheers mate
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:36 pm
From: MajorThom
To: Chariot of Fire
Yeah I fell for a speed game on a strange board. he did join me for another game but then he was off. I also checked his board and noticed he played lots of 1 to 1's presumably to get points. In fact, when I asked him if he wanted to partner he declined because he said,"I am looking to collect points." Does nt really seem fair.
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:31 pm
From: Watson Herbusch
To: Chariot of Fire
Definitely was a victim - he PM'd me for a speed game and then set up a very strange map/rules.
Pathetic tactic to get a higher rank, if you ask me.
Thanks for looking into this.
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:52 pm
From: Abyss24
To: Chariot of Fire
Thanks for contacting me Simon,
My feeling is that although it strikes me as boring and a waste of time, if he wants to play like this just to get points, I'm not sure if it's worth trying to stop him. As for the multi-hunter stalling tactics, lol, again, bogus, but if this is how he chooses to spend his time, so be it. Eventually he will tire of this foolishness and either stop playing or start playing real games. Nevertheless, it is bad for the site, and I am willing to help you try to stop it.
There are so many cheap tactics on CC: broken truces, hitting the space bar one hundred times to "push down" the chat so other players cannot see negotiations that have occurred, and the list goes on. Personally, I have determined that I will only play doubles 2v2 and triples games going forward, there are just to many unpleasant aspects consistently involved with standard games. I complained to a mod about the "pushed down" chat thing (something I normally wouldn't bother with but this particular player was so ridiculous in general that I felt it necessary) and he said it was fine/within the rules so . . .
Should General Lee be stopped? Probably. I'm not sure what you would like me to do, but sure, it is bogus and bad for the site, so if you want my assistance, let me know what you want me to do.
Take care,
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:46 pm
From: kk4travel
To: Chariot of Fire
I did not know that map or have strategy. But, I am pretty sure that I joined the speed game on my own. And, I only lost 5 points because I was horrible! I do NOT agree with his strategy or game play at all. Plus, if he really is a can't feel good to know that you get your rating by preying on other people and skirting the system.
I guess that I just play for fun. But, this makes me really think about all of the times that I get invites from high ranked players.
Maybe players of high rank should only be allowed to invite people so many levels below them. Lower level players could be allowed to invite any rank at their discretion. Not sure if that would work or not. Just an idea.
Sent: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:44 pm
From: northeastern
To: Chariot of Fire
I agree with you 100% Id like to see this sort of thing not happen.
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:42 am
From: Nite_Shadow
To: Chariot of Fire
i was sent a pm that asked if i wanted to play a speed game from gen.leegettinhed. i played and lost pretty quick but i knew he was way higher lvl than me and i didn't have to play the game you can always decline i played another with him when his friend lanyards sent a separate pm we played a doubles speed game. lost that one too but i didn't really expect to win either game. that sucks he is "ranching" new players to improve his score and does kinda ruin the leader board but people don't have to accept the invites. i always look at the rank of people before joining a game. maybe send a welcome pm to all new players with a warning to play within two or three of their rank so they don't get farmed or something. thanks for sending out the "tricked or treated" message im going to forward it to my friends =)
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:55 am
From: explor31
To: Chariot of Fire
He does go and find much lower ranked players and under the guise of teaching them, beats them , gets a few points, and waits for his next victim.
I went and joined him in the chat room after my beat down. He really didn't teach me much. I already knew how to play, he just surprised me with the map and game settings. City Mogul on freestyle 1v1 is almost all about speed and experience. Anyway, I played him a couple of days later on doubles. His partner was lanyards, that was a beat down as well. I had a partner that I had never played with and he had never even played that map. So, we were doomed before we even started.
Back to some of your initial questions.
Does this change my opinion of the Leaderboard? Only in regards to the Conqueror... He wins cheaply and without honor. Eventually, people will learn and boot him out. He won't be able to get any games and will have to play against some hard competition. Besides mc, Blitz, braddy, kiron - or anybody will catch him.
How did he contact me? He sent me a message. Direct to my wall. He said something about Alabama football (one of my passions, as you can see by my avatar). He played like he was a fan, but after a few questions, I realized that he really didn't know anything about them....
I don't know if there's really anything that can be done about it. Like you said, he is within the rules.... But, he is some what of a bully. Like a 20 year old picking on a bunch of 5 year olds. He is with out honor though. I can't believe he can live with himself. He's gotten to the top by duping people and getting cheap victories.
He probably wouldn't even play me now... I'm too high of a rank for him.... haha
Hope this helps. explor31
Sent: Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:03 am
From: ComposerNate
To: Chariot of Fire
They gave all the freemiums 3 free speed games and GLG sent me a pm asking for a game, so I said sure. I don't know where he got me, I don't think I was chatting or anything. Also, it was a map I've played before, but haven't won a game on (city mogul). I generally don't play freestyle, I think it's an interesting idea but somewhat unfair in this setting since people will have different refresh rates etc. Anyway, I agreed to play expecting to lose, thinking maybe I'll get a few strategy tips. It doesn't bother me too much that he does this. I'm aware that a lot of the people on the first page of the leader board do similar things, and I think it's lame that they're more concerned about their position there than they are about playing an enjoyable, competitive game. I'm proud of my position and I think I'm a good player, though it's taking me a while to move up since I'm a freemium and I mostly play no spoils!
The harassment of the guy who was beating him is a more serious issue, and I would like to see something done about that.
To sum up: I wasn't duped into it, but I can see how others were, and it's ok with me that the game can be used this way, but I can't see why anyone enjoys doing it.
Hope this helps!
Sent: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:34 am
From: Moontzy
To: Chariot of Fire
the conqueror sent me an inbox message asking if i wanted to play. i noticed he was the top player on the leaderboard so i figured why not play him. when he first sent me the game invite it was a weird map with weird rules like you said in the message. i told him to change it and then he picked another map that was a little bit better but still not a "regular" one. I knew how to play freestyle but was not good at it so sure enough he beat me pretty quickly. he just waited until i deployed my troops down and then deployed right next to me and took over. i was a little annoyed because i sort of knew he was hustling me but i only lost 5 points so i didn't care too much
hope that helps!
From: sflynn
To: Chariot of Fire
Yes, it was pretty rude. It was very frustrating, then he had the nerve to invite me again, saying that he would help me more the next game. Yeah right. He's an ass.