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Take2out and Solidwolf34 [Cleared]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:25 am
by Iliad
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: take2out, Solidwolf34

Game number:

Comments: Now I was looking at the above game, reading the game chat when I came across this line
2007-01-20 09:56:05 - take2out: what do you guys know other than cut aquid and take them to bed with you
Now normally this would not have surprised me but before I had seen this topic started by Solidwolf34:

Also take2out has been randomly posting comments in Solidwolf34's games.They both seem to have the same temper. Mods, could you please look into this.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:08 am
by firth4eva
2007-03-16 21:24:18 - ArmyTrooper12: what else do you know other than cutting squid and taking them to bed with you

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:13 am
by Serbia
firth4eva wrote:2007-03-16 21:24:18 - ArmyTrooper12: what else do you know other than cutting squid and taking them to bed with you

this has been SolidWolf's favorite line as of late.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:12 am
by Iliad
Why hasn't a mod replied yet? Sorry if I'm too impatient.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:40 am
by Skittles!
URL isn't working. I'm too lazy to copy and paste. Ha.

Re: Take2out and Solidwolf34

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:45 am
by SolidWolf34
Iliad wrote:Subject line: <Put name of accused in subject line>

These are suspected Multis(delete the one they are not)

Suspect users: <take2out, Solidwolf34>

Game number: [url]]

Comments: <Now I was looking at the above game, reading the game chat when I came across this line
2007-01-20 09:56:05 - take2out: what do you guys know other than cut aquid and take them to bed with you
Now normally this would not have surprised me but before I had seen this topic started by Solidwolf34:

Also take2out has been randomly posting comments in Solidwolf34's games.They both seem to have the same temper. Mods, could you please look into this. >


<----end copy---->

Ha, this is a funny, just becasue i know someone in person dosen't mean it's cheating,, take2out likes to watch me an doublett22 play games. if you have a problem with him.. than go cut squid and take them to bed with you.!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:46 am
by sully800
I don't know what the cutting squid is all about :wink:, but take2out and Solidwolf34 are cleared.

Re: Take2out and Solidwolf34

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:53 pm
by Iliad
SolidWolf34 wrote:
Iliad wrote:Subject line: <Put name of accused in subject line>

These are suspected Multis(delete the one they are not)

Suspect users: <take2out, Solidwolf34>

Game number: [url]]

Comments: <Now I was looking at the above game, reading the game chat when I came across this line
2007-01-20 09:56:05 - take2out: what do you guys know other than cut aquid and take them to bed with you
Now normally this would not have surprised me but before I had seen this topic started by Solidwolf34:

Also take2out has been randomly posting comments in Solidwolf34's games.They both seem to have the same temper. Mods, could you please look into this. >


<----end copy---->

Ha, this is a funny, just becasue i know someone in person dosen't mean it's cheating,, take2out likes to watch me an doublett22 play games. if you have a problem with him.. than go cut squid and take them to bed with you.!

Sorry I just wondered, but if not fine.