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Requesting help from CC's justice squad [closed]BG

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:42 am
by Rodion
I've been checking some profiles in the 67th page of the scoreboard (all cooks below 600 points) and I found that a few of them engage in secret diplomacy (with other players that are not necessarily in the 67th page of the scoreboard). It's pretty easy to realize that once you check their walls (and by checking the walls of who messaged them, you can possibly find more secret diplomacy).

memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=257085 with

memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=318469 with

I think there is enough evidence in those walls to get the 4 of them properly punished for breaking CC's rule #2. I'll confess that I'm not a fan of writing the C&A reports (they require a specific form and I'm more of a freestyle writer) and then periodically checking them to see if justice is done (and perhaps lobbying for justice to smite evil with its relentless hammer). Luckily, I know several people enjoy that. To make a long story short, can anyone open C&A reports against the aforementioned players and perhaps against other players I end up finding in the future (this could be a long lasting partnership of CC justice!)?

Thanks in advance!

hartwood72603 & tyrantchef
jschick & danmeysi

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:02 am
by TheForgivenOne
So, why not post this in C&A?

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:28 am
by BigBallinStalin
TheForgivenOne wrote:So, why not post this in C&A?

To avoid the negative feedback for not posting in the correct format?

To avoid building a "criminal" record which might later be used against him?

I mean, why deal with the bureaucracies when you can outsource to GD in order to avoid all those costs?

@Rodion: good job, sir. The CC Community appreciates your concern.

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:35 am
by clapper011

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:51 am
by DJPatrick
How is this moved??? Make the lazy sod fill out a C&A report same as the plebs or if you're gonna spoon-feed him then fill it out yourself when you move it...there was a multi-plage complaint here recently (unsucessfull) with lots of research/sleuthing/conjecture?...if some tin-pot general couldn;t be bothered to file properly then don't lick-spittle his apathy...this should be closed for lack of acumen.

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:37 pm
by jbudnick2001
do you seriously have that much time on your hands that you go through 67 pages worth of profiles just to try to find someone cheating?

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW im not even going to make fun of you for that, there is a thing called life. check into one.

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:03 pm
by jefjef
DJPatrick wrote:How is this moved??? Make the lazy sod fill out a C&A report same as the plebs or if you're gonna spoon-feed him then fill it out yourself when you move it...there was a multi-plage complaint here recently (unsucessfull) with lots of research/sleuthing/conjecture?...if some tin-pot general couldn;t be bothered to file properly then don't lick-spittle his apathy...this should be closed for lack of acumen.

Thats right. No form or even the slightest effort has equaled a deserved dismissal of prior complaints. Do the same here.

Send the offenders a friendly pm in re of the rules but do not warn based on this drivel of a complaint.

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:50 pm
by Rodion
I thought that a GD thread asking help so someone else would make the C&A thread in the proper format would not end up with the 4 players unpunished. This was never intended to be "the complaint", only a topic in which I'd post probable cheaters so that the community would make the C&A cases, thus sharing the burden of justice ("I gather the evidence, you sue").

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:17 pm
by sniffie
whether this is posted in the wrong forum or not, this still is something the mods should check out.

But then again, how hard can it be to post in the C&A forum, I mean, if even I can do it, so should you ;)


Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:34 am
by BGtheBrain

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:50 pm
by TheGeneral2112
BGtheBrain wrote:Players
hartwood72603 - Noted for Lowballing
tyrantchef - previously warned for SD
jschick - previously warned for SD
danmeysi - previously warned for SD

1) If any part of this was noted, the thread title would be [noted] and not [closed]
2) If these three players were previously warned for SD, that's cool. What is the current outcome of this case? Were they cleared? Were they warned again? Were they banned? Blocked?

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [closed]BG

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:20 pm
by Victor Sullivan
1) [Closed] seems applicable, as the case was closed. At any rate, it doesn't matter that much.
2) I imagine it means that they were previously warned for the cases in question, so no further action will be taken unless new cases of SD arise.


Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [pending]BG

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:25 pm
by Evil Semp
TheGeneral2112 wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Players
hartwood72603 - Noted for Lowballing
tyrantchef - previously warned for SD
jschick - previously warned for SD
danmeysi - previously warned for SD

1) If any part of this was noted, the thread title would be [noted] and not [closed]
2) If these three players were previously warned for SD, that's cool. What is the current outcome of this case? Were they cleared? Were they warned again? Were they banned? Blocked?

It was marked closed because this was handled when the SD took place. This is one reason we don't encourage people to go out looking for things to report. One was 4 months ago the other 7 months ago.

by tyrantchef
on Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:26 pm

This one happened in August 2011 and was already handled.

--in the game we are playing together red is directly above me, I will not attck you, if you don't attack me. they have an advantage we could work together

by jschick
on Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:54 pm

Marking this closed was the proper thing.

Re: Requesting help from CC's justice squad [closed]BG

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:14 am
by TheGeneral2112
Thanks for the explanation, ES.