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IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy [cleared] BG

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IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy [cleared] BG

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:10 pm



The accused are suspected of:
Other: Privacy Abuse

Game number(s):
-not in game, but in their recent C&A report (GLG Multi/highjacked account)

-no problem with people filing non-spurious C&A reports (but this one digs deeper -- just wrong conclusion) -- the intent of that report is NOT the issue, BUT:
-no need to copy/paste ANY personal data; refer to people as "family", DH, etc.
-Please see KA prior ruling on Personal Data
-note that I asked eddie2 and he replies: "said in Game Chat". Game chat is NOT public forum thread or Live Chat; and I didn't GIVE him personal data, the cull it from 4 year old games when we are new. Also, things said 4 years ago in Game Chat by NEW people doesn't mean they retroactively knew it wasn't more private.
-while I feel this is an infraction -- major or minor, they (eddie2 in particular) seem to not care about the rules
-it seems PRIVACY is a very low priority for them -- and ANYTHING to make a bigger juicier splash is fair game
-bear in mind the C&A was filed AFTER I send NICE/FRIENDLY warning to IR1SH ACE about him overly trolling treads about me and being overly negative.
-in addition, eddie2 DIRECTLY asked me about family ties with other players in Live Chat
-later in Live Chat he CONTINUALLY referenced private info, was warned to STOP. . .he doesn't understand, listen, or care. Totally deserving of the harshest possible penalties by CC Mods -- often the only thing they understand.

Not going to give specific examples here because that would violate the very principle I'm asking to be enforced. Many are already listed on the current C&A report.

My C&A's against Master Bush and CoF supposedly lead to warnings/bans for them -- and their negativism dropped off dramatically. Using CC processes seems to work SOMETIMES.

Re: jefjef (posting of personal info)
by king achilles on Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:36 am

I don't think saying the first name is a major infraction in this case. First names are not really personal identifiable information. If I told a friend in CC that my first name is Eddie and someone I don't know or don't get along with called me Eddie, should I scream for a major infraction on that guy? So you told some people here your name? Does that mean it's okay for, let's say player A to call you by your name but not when player B does it? Forum guidelines will still be followed here.
Based from the screenshot you provided, it also roots back to something you said in live chat which you were referring to him. You flamed a person using jefjef and he responded with that post. If that post was indeed in violation of any rule or guideline, why just now to report it? This report is vindictive. You made this report because you disagree with a ruling and at the same time, to also continue to find ways to get back with someone who you have a personal feud with. I told you before to keep away from each other months ago or else. Your case lacks enough evidence to prove your point but what it does prove is that you are letting this personal feud spill out in the forums and in live chat and it has got to stop. This is your 5th minor infraction of spamming the forum all this time with your bitter quarrel with jefjef so it's one month for you.

And eddie, since you brought this out in the public, you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.
* * * * *
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Re: IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy

Postby sundance123 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:25 pm

I believe many SD and multi reports have been caused by groups of friends and family members with unusual playing patterns, patterns joining games etc. When they are cleared they are usually identified as such - I presume this is done by mods. Clearly this would set a precedent in favour of Irish Ace and eddie too! Will look for evidence.
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Re: IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy

Postby eddie2 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:33 pm

rofl wait a min have a look at what......

1) glg has posted his first name in game chats which is open to the public....
2)glg has used a example of a case where king a says if first names are used on site then it is open for any player to use....
3)the live chat convos i did not use any first names i asked if it was his son... asking the ? is not against site rules.
4) glg has been saying all of this information is not correct throughout the c and a report...

so since the information he gave us was misinformation and since the information in game chat was misinformation (which he has been saying) why is he now reporting us for using false personal information about him. false in the term that he has been telling us that information was him just messing around and it was inaccurate.

you cannot have it both ways glg either the information we posted is correct or it is wrong which one is it.
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Re: IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy

Postby jefjef on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:35 pm

There is only one reason I can think of as to why you would file a public complaint in re of privacy issues when you could have and should have handled it privately and behind the scenes via an easily filed E-Ticket. You are familiar with those...

GLG: As to your referral to eddies complaint vs me - You do understand that I was cleared mainly due to eddies own use of his name and first names are not considered personal damaging information don't you? It's well documented that you publicly used your 1st name too. :-^
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy

Postby sundance123 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:39 pm

Some examples of personal relationship refered to by mods and looking through the game logs:


eye84free wrote:Yea they all look to be friends. Cleared of being multis.


TheForgivenOne wrote:I'm looking through the log and i'm just not seeing it. Cleared


TheForgivenOne wrote:mrsbaddest and baddest have already been cleared before as husband and wife from what I remember.
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Re: IR1SH ACE and eddie2 - privacy [cleared] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:42 pm

Cleared and Locked.
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