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jbudnick2001 & Ares88....possible Multis[Busted]e84

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:57 am

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy....or maybe Being Multis...worth a look anyway

Game number(s):
Game 10337855
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
Game 10339093
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
show: Game Chat
2011-12-29 18:08:23 - Ares88: good luck guys
2011-12-30 16:55:59 - Ares88: yellow, truce for a few rounds?
2011-12-31 16:31:31 - Mr. Gross: Green. Fight fire with fire?
2011-12-31 23:25:22 - jbudnick2001: i don't do truces, but if you attack mine trust me youll regret it pink

and from looking at the chat they talk as if they dont know each other
Game 10370813
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
Game 10442468
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
show: Game Chat
2012-01-18 04:55:31 - jbudnick2001: truce grey?
2012-01-19 03:00:41 - Ares88: ya sounds good orange, for a little while

and from looking at the chat they talk as if they dont know each other
Game 10466814
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
show: Game Chat
2012-01-21 03:24:02 - Ares88: blue.... truce for a few????
2012-01-21 04:22:41 - jbudnick2001: true that young playa lol

and from looking at the chat they talk as if they dont know each other
Game 10551538
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
show: Game Chat
2012-02-03 19:30:39 - Ares88: green. wanna have a little truce?
2012-02-03 19:32:14 - jbudnick2001: sounds good to me

and from looking at the chat they talk as if they dont know each other
Game 10568840
both players survive till final two and play there moves within minutes of each other...grab a bonus each in the first round and then just double team the other players in the game
Game 10574743
same as all the above examples

jbudnick2001 has only joined the site 2 months ago and has played 41 games out of these 41 games 32 of them are freestyle games (13 Doubles/Triples Freestyle with Ares88 and 19 Standard/Assassin freestyle and 14 of these games with Ares88) so its obvious these guys at the least know each other...

I am in a Doubles freestyle game with these guys at the moment.....Game 10568823 and from the way they play, taking there moves at the same time and fortin each other like a proper freestyle team it peaked my curiosity so I had a closer look at them and all the games listed above are blatant examples of SD

any chance one of the Multi Hunters could quickly check out if they are Multis just to rule it out while you look into the SD....
I would hate to lose this game and see them get busted afterwords for been Multis......I doubt that they are Multis as I can see in some of these games they have played there moves at the same time but maybe there is a way round that...anyway no harm in checking

Re: jbudnick2001 & Ares88....SD or possible Multis

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:55 pm
by eye84free
Busted together