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Guidocks - really annoying spammer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:31 am
by joeyjordison


ok i don't mind spamming in moderation and it can really show some creativity. take hector for example, i don't think i've ever found his posts annoying and yet he is constantly spamming

Guidocks on the other hand is ressurecting threads. he keeps 'bumping' them. as a result i wrote a message explaining a solution to a problem and it was only when scorba pointed out that the thread was 5 months old that i realised wat he was doing. he is pointlessly resurrecting multiple threads and seeing as we are now taking a more aggressive stance on spamming i thought i'd point it out. its really annoying.i mean for gods sake at least be a little creative! :twisted:

just the ones i found quickly although no doubt he has done more

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:04 am
by mightyredarmy

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:48 am
by joeyjordison
mightyredarmy wrote:bump


now u see that was pretty creative. would have been even better if this was an old topic :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:41 am
it was actually last january that the thread was started.
i have just read the thread and burst out laughing, that was so funny. 15 months on and they finally got a reply from a ccer. joey i said it in that thread, you have to hold your hands up and take it on the chin. :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:27 pm
by joeyjordison
DAZMCFC wrote:it was actually last january that the thread was started.
i have just read the thread and burst out laughing, that was so funny. 15 months on and they finally got a reply from a ccer. joey i said it in that thread, you have to hold your hands up and take it on the chin. :lol:

funny but he's doin it on loads of threads. i don't expect to hav to check the date on all threads before i answer.