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Taos1988 and rome091 secret diplomacy[noted]e84

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:59 am
by SmiggieBalls


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10074091

Comments: rome091 basically admitted to it in the chat. Neither one of them had said anything until I noticed Taos1988 went a 2nd turn leaving his border undefended at which point I started questioning.
If the other players and I knew that they were allied, we would have all made different decisions, but it may be too late now.

Re: Taos1988 and rome091 secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:43 am
by jeraado
Presumably this is the reference to the game chat:

2012-01-04 21:47:16 - rome091: I'm not attacking him and he is not attacking me.. I could get his bonus easily!

To me it seems ambiguous, so it may not be enough to prove secret diplomacy if this is the only evidence

Re: Taos1988 and rome091 secret diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:41 pm
by eye84free
After looking at the game and the chat. I dont see enough to support SD. The comment in chat could poss. mean he isnt attacking him as of yet cause he hasnt done the same to him. This could mean it isnt a worry as of yet. Or it could be a SD issue. This will be noted for now. If other issues occur please advise.

On a side note I wish to thank you for you post it made it alot easier to bust a multi when they post about poss. cheating.

SmiggieBalls Busted with RelaxedSphincter, The Big Cheese, Airborne Potato, HiddenInTheFog