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Master Bush - [closed]

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Master Bush - [closed]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:45 pm


Master Bush

The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>: trolling/baiting/flaming

Submitted earlier, but do NOT see it in current/old C&A or in General Discussion. If finalized, PLEASE send me outcome and thread to read outcome.

Game number(s): n/a

-first the guy trolls/flames/baits in Social/Live Chat
-then trolls/flames/baits on my wall
-then PM's to me

Total stalking-like trolling/baiting/flaming.

Entitled to his opinon, and to post it. . .once or twice. but to CONTINUALLY do so in so many venues. . .and AFTER I'm exaonerated from Farming, etc. is totally ridiculous. ALso, doing it in fun, is one thing.. . being so nasty about it is quite another.

I sent similar info on E-Ticket. Please match up with this.

Info sent to King Achilles/Master Bush . . .KA recommended refileing/foeing"

* * * * * *
Re: how big of a coward are you? (Master Bush)
Sent: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:07 pm
by king achilles

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
Master Bush,

Again you troll/bait/flame -- focusing on less public PMs now.

I didn't lie. I GROUPED topics to KA (and CC'd you so you'd know -- not hid from you).
-your different and escalating types of trolling/flaming/baiting to me
-that I contacted you not out of spite, but to try to get a fair opinion of a Battle Royale that I watched and felt was SD'd and screwed Firth4eva. Nothing more.

Again, good natured ribbing is one thing. Voicing your opinion negatively once or twice is another. Both understandable. But YOU take this way past that level to the Stalking point.

Go grade some papers or whatever it is that you do to contribute to society,


Have all his flaming/baiting/trolling posts in the forum reported. I am sure the global mods will review and punish him if they see the validity of your report.

Then put him on foe so he can't post at your wall anymore. Attention seekers are happy as long as they get attention.
* * * * *
discussion with Master Bush
Sent: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:14 pm
by Gen.LeeGettinhed

King Achilles,

I hate to bother you with all this, but again. . .your rules. I just had a 10 min PM discussion with Master Bush. Please note:

16:01:00 ‹Master Bush› whatever man. i'm sure i have a vaction coming my way, but it's worth it to let someone who i think cheats the system know just how i feel. but when i return, i'll make sure to leave you alone.

It shows:
-he KNOWS he was wrong and violated the Trolling/Baiting/Flaming rules
-he EXPECTS a vaca from CC
-he said that he'd leave me alone

Lots said +/- in the PM (I have it screen shotted). An interesting closing comments was:

16:02:03 ‹Master Bush› the last thing i'll say to you is, i hope you are not proud of the leaderboard, because most of the people who play here are shamed to see your name there. have a good one

to which I think he's totally wrong, again exaggerating:
-most of his FRIENDS and some similar thinkers might be shamed
-I posted 20 polite thank-you's from opponents on last C&A
-MANY people posted congrats on my wall, PM's and Forum -- as many or more than the negatives

Again, supposedly the site wants a friendly around the camp-fire environment. I'm sure I provide that:
-I contact people: some played 300 games and NO prior interaction on CC
-most Social people find my comments and antics funny (lol, etc.)
-I created 13 mini tourneys in 2.5 months
-the strongest clan on CC invited me to join them* -- appreciating certain skills I have (not Farming). THey are NICE and very good players, recommending that I focus more on Team games. *at least 2 others invited me directly, a few others approached me as well.
-I help your mods, etc. in their personal lives.

Thanks again,

Re: how big of a coward are you? (Master Bush)
Sent: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:54 pm
by Gen.LeeGettinhed

Master Bush,

Again you troll/bait/flame -- focusing on less public PMs now.

I didn't lie. I GROUPED topics to KA (and CC'd you so you'd know -- not hid from you).
-your different and escalating types of trolling/flaming/baiting to me
-that I contacted you not out of spite, but to try to get a fair opinion of a Battle Royale that I watched and felt was SD'd and screwed Firth4eva. Nothing more.

Again, good natured ribbing is one thing. Voicing your opinion negatively once or twice is another. Both understandable. But YOU take this way past that level to the Stalking point.

Go grade some papers or whatever it is that you do to contribute to society,

Re: how big of a coward are you? (Master Bush)
Sent: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:29 pm
by Gen.LeeGettinhed


I KEEP getting trolled by Master Bush. First in Social, then on my wall, now PM. I've NICELY asked him to stop, then filled out a C&A about it -- but don't see it ANYWHERE.

Please forward to whoever you handles for you. I understand there will be detractors for how I play -- but totally legal. However, Trolling/Baiting/Flaming like this is STRICTLY PROHIBITED by your rules -- and I've asked him to stop several times.

Last night I approached him on a separate topic (Firth4eva beign screwed out of >300 pts at end of Battle Royale (had won, but someone suicided into him) -- just to be cordial and ask his opinion.

wtF is going on? why is he continually allowed to harass me? Good natured ribbing is one thing, he is not.

* * * * * *

this is AFTER BS on Social, Wall posting(s) and PMs. Note the exageration, etc.
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Re: Master Bush - redo per King Achilles

Postby king achilles on Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:03 pm

This is another report about forum posting. I told you to report all forum posts that you see as forum violations and then to put him on foe. If you have already done that, then you have already done your part.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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