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shiekhen - bigotry [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:38 pm
by IcePack


The accused are suspected of:

Other: <bigotry> While browsing a seperate complaint regarding bdr529, I noticed that shiekhen posted this on his wall. I then went to their game vs each other and saw their chat.


Game number(s): Game 10215418

2011-12-06 22:33:19 - shiekhen: what a homo

Re: shiekhen - bigotry

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:47 pm
by Master Bush
Gaylord is a proper name. In fact my great grandfather's name was gaylord. how do you know bdr529's name isn't gaylord?

Re: shiekhen - bigotry

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:04 pm
by agentcom
Who cares? This does not affect you. Stop trying to play CC decency police and go play some games.

Re: shiekhen - bigotry

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:28 pm
by IcePack
Master Bush wrote:Gaylord is a proper name. In fact my great grandfather's name was gaylord. how do you know bdr529's name isn't gaylord?

Is his name gaylord homo? because he says both if you check the wall and game chat.

agentcom wrote:Who cares? This does not affect you. Stop trying to play CC decency police and go play some games.

Lots of people care, it doesn't affect me but its against site rules. I'm not the police, im not trying to be. Im reporting it to C&A and they can deal with it just like they're supposed to.

Go play some games? Seriously? I've got more active games then you. STFU. My report doesn't affect you. I can report what i like. Stop trying to be the report police and go play some games. :roll:


Re: shiekhen - bigotry

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:58 pm
by agentcom
agentcom wrote:Who cares? This does not affect you. Stop trying to play CC decency police and go play some games.

Lots of people care, it doesn't affect me but its against site rules. I'm not the police, im not trying to be. Im reporting it to C&A and they can deal with it just like they're supposed to.

Go play some games? Seriously? I've got more active games then you. STFU. My report doesn't affect you. I can report what i like. Stop trying to be the report police and go play some games. :roll:


Oh wow. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you had more active games than me. Full retraction of my statement.

Seriously, there's a big difference between browsing the fora and commenting on C&A reports and cruising people's walls and making C&A reports. If you're not one of the people who care, then don't make an issue of it.

Re: shiekhen - bigotry

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:44 am
by IcePack
I wasn't randomly cruising peoples walls looking for things to drag into C&A. I saw a report, went to his profile to foe him and saw the comment on his wall. Looked @ the recent game and reported it.

There is a big difference in going out of your way to find things, and finding something and taking 2 mins to type out a tiny report.


Re: shiekhen - bigotry [pending] KRK

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:15 pm
by Karl_R_Kroenen
Shiekhen has been WARNED for Bigotry.