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Barney Rubble[cleared]es

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:42 pm
by Lindax

Barney Rubble

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Gross abuse of the game, specifically "throwing a game".

Game number(s):

Game 10117640

Comments: In round 10 of a 6 player escalating speed game, with 3 players left, he tried to eliminate me, despite the fact that it was pretty obvious he couldn't and would give the game to the third player. After that I called him an idiot (not nice, but not against the rules). For some strange reason the third player didn't try to take me out, even though I had only 10 troops left. In my next turn I took a territory, and thus a card, and divided my troops on my 2 territories (6 and 7 troops each). In his next turn Barney deployed his 6 troops on a 1 next to my 7 and proceeded to take my 7 troops. This left me with 1 territory with 6 troops, which the third player could easily take and win the the game with his subsequent cash-in. As it happens, he cashed first and then took me out, but the end result was the same.

All kinds of stuff happens in these games, especially if one is playing with less experienced players. However, Barney plays, and has played, many multi-player escalating games and knew exactly what he was doing, namely: giving the game to the third player out of spite against me, thus throwing the game on purpose. I believe this to be against the rules, hence this report.

For the regulars in this forum:

Yes, I have foed him and moved on. I still would like to see a ruling on this case though. Actually, I foed him twice before for irregular and vindictive playing, but upon his request "unfoed" him twice as well.


Re: Barney Rubble

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:09 pm
by Barney Rubble
..I had two chances of my own making and one as you have already stated provided by the other opponent after he chose not to try taking you ..After I had just missed taking you ....I did not make the same choice as him I took the chance ......Really Lx see how busy these guys are and youre posting this ?? As for the Unfoeing me cause I asked you too ...Twice ??? really Lx You foe me once and it wouldve been over so here we are ...

Re: Barney Rubble

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:49 pm
by Evil Semp
The way it looks is Barney could have deployed and hit on of teals and then teal would probably take you out, or he could hope he had the offensive dice that seem to elude almost everyone here. He had a snowballs chance in hell of taking you out and that is exactly what happened. Smart move, who knows? Right or wrong move, who knows? Throwing the game? I don't think so. Someone going for a kill even if you think it was an ill advised move doesn't make it throwing a game. This is CLEARED.

Re: Barney Rubble[cleared]es

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:05 am
by Barney Rubble
Thank you Evil Semp Exactly as it happened ..Good Call

Re: Barney Rubble

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:18 am
by Lindax
Evil Semp wrote:The way it looks is Barney could have deployed and hit on of teals and then teal would probably take you out, or he could hope he had the offensive dice that seem to elude almost everyone here. He had a snowballs chance in hell of taking you out and that is exactly what happened. Smart move, who knows? Right or wrong move, who knows? Throwing the game? I don't think so. Someone going for a kill even if you think it was an ill advised move doesn't make it throwing a game. This is CLEARED.

Thanks for the ruling ES.

I thought "throwing a game" means that the player throwing the game plays in a way that ensures that he will not win the game, but hands it to another player, maybe even a specific player. Surely that would be gross abuse of the game? Could you please provide us with an exact description of "throwing a game"? In other words, how bad does it need to be before you see it as throwing a game?



Re: Barney Rubble[cleared]es

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:36 am
by Barney Rubble
Give it a rest Lx You lost , I lost ..its over ..god man this is as bad as when you whined that you wanted CC to rescind someone elses victory and give you the medal instead ..I lost 36 points you lost 43 ..oh well ...maybe next someone will get the guy who stole your ball in the playground ...but not this time All your using this forum for is to snivel about players who dont bend over for you ...hmmmmmm That could almost be classed as Spurious complaining .Anyway youve wasted enough of all our time