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Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:30 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Other: looking at the game speaks for itself. it's been going on for a few rounds now. it's not cheating, but i feel it definitely deserves a warning and i want to show people how tomtorresson plays in public. he gives conquer club and premium members a bad name

Game number(s):

Game 10098224

EDIT- this thread can be closed now that tomtorresson took his turn to kill me and not take me hostage any longer. i would hope he still gets a warning of some sort so if he continues this behavior, his account can be put on suspension
Last edited by calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby tomtorresson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:35 pm

Where's the forum for me to post about whining? What about the one for folks being dicks right off the bat in chat complaining about slow playing in a CASUAL game? What about the forum for stupid profile picks with bad hair parts?

Where's the humanity?

Just shut up. Apologize and I'll kill you, add you as 'foe' and that is it. Otherwise, hope that either CC will kill the game OR you can miss three turns.

All your call. Like I said in the game chat as well.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:48 pm

as i said. the game speaks for itself. now your post here flaming me justifies the report. thank you.

i will miss three turns and ruin my take turns rating. i am not going to apologize for losing a game. that's just dumb.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby tomtorresson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:02 pm

The apology was for starting off as a dick in chat....not for losing.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby IcePack on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:15 pm

Seriously? The game started and he took a turn 2 hours later and u were complaining already?

FAMO. and this report is just two people being rude. There's no rule about being rude or "how he plays his turns" in 2 hours.

He's right. It's a casual game and ur allowed a full 24 hours to play. I've started games and people have joined while I'm in bed. Realize if u want faster turns, pay for speed games.


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Re: tomtorresson

Postby GoranZ on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:23 pm

just end the game u two... and edit the thread name with closed so you will save time to everyone.

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Re: tomtorresson

Postby b00060 on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:40 pm

He is actually holding him hostage now so he cannot play another game and that is against the rules. Unless of course he is being safe and 173 men cannot take out a single.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:54 pm

if i could end the game, i would. unfortunately, i can't without ruining my rating. also, the report wasn't about my original comment in how i feel people should only start games they are willing to play when they start one. it's about what i originally reported. i can have an opinion on how a game should be started and played just like everyone else. nor should i have to be quiet about it. as long as i don't flame or too disrespectfull, chatter is part of the game

what shouldn't be part of the game is what tomtorresson is doing. it's bad sportsmanship, it's rude, it's disrespectful and dishonorable. he wants an oppology for my opinion? well sorry. he isn't getting one nor do i fall to tactics like this just to end a game. it's about principle now and whether or not conquer club tolerates this behavior.

heck. if they do, i will play all my games like that and piss everyone off until they get a clue to promote proper behavior.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby IcePack on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:01 pm

b00060 wrote:He is actually holding him hostage now so he cannot play another game and that is against the rules. Unless of course he is being safe and 173 men cannot take out a single.

This wasn't the situation earlier when I looked. Now he clearly is breaking rules.

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Re: tomtorresson

Postby tomtorresson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:06 pm

Give me a break. All I asked is for the guy to say two words "I'm sorry"

None of you have the right to pass judgement on my playing style or whether I am holding him "hostage" or not. Unless you want to have someone out there passing judgement on every single missed turn on this site. After all..was it simply a missed turn or something more sinister.

The guy was a dick...I am being a dick back. Again- he can apologize and I'll try to kill him OR you can have a mod kill the game OR let him miss three turns.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby IcePack on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:10 pm

tomtorresson wrote:Give me a break. All I asked is for the guy to say two words "I'm sorry"

None of you have the right to pass judgement on my playing style or whether I am holding him "hostage" or not. Unless you want to have someone out there passing judgement on every single missed turn on this site. After all..was it simply a missed turn or something more sinister.

The guy was a dick...I am being a dick back. Again- he can apologize and I'll try to kill him OR you can have a mod kill the game OR let him miss three turns.

No rule states he must say sorry to you.
No rule says he can't be a dick.
There is a rule that says you can't hold him hostage.
The mods won't delete the game. They will give u an official warning / whatevers next on the punishment scale for u on minor infraction.

He has every right now to file the complaint. Expect a mod to punish accordingly if u don't finish it mate. They'll give u a chance to end it properly.

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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:16 pm

there is no rule about being a dick or because your opinion differs from someone elses. your logic is pretty pathetic. i mean, people can just look at the game and judge for themselves. that's all i asked in my original report. again, my report isn't about the chat we had during the game or how you were flaming. i am not that trivial. neither should you be....

you wanted a casual game and expressed you would play one but it really doesn't look like that does it.....

your logic stinks and now you are contradicting yourself
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby tomtorresson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:17 pm

f*ck you. Take your turn already!
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:25 pm

i did. i knew you would give in like a bitch after exposing you for a fool
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby tomtorresson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:38 pm

Feel free to go ahead and live a long happy life full of wonderment and delicious Ginger Ale, you beautiful person.
Last edited by rdsrds2120 on Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Flaming
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:40 pm

awwww poor baby. was exposed for the pitifull person you are. go have your mommy change your diapers.

thanks for giving in and appologizing for your poor game play and ending the game. i appreciated that. now you can abuse the other players that join your games

now he's stalking me....
Invitation from tomtorresson expires in 23:53:18

what an idiot.....
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:39 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if he got a warning for this.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby GoranZ on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:21 pm

I don't think that anyone will be warned... Game ended in ~30 hours, fast enough. Much faster then majority of 1v1 games that I've played so far.

On the other hand when I first read what is the problem I though that calkid was correct but then I read the game chat and I compare it to game log and I switched my opinion...

I will help everyone:

2011-11-16 15:55:50 - Game has been initialized
2011-11-16 16:00:27 - calkid: you started a game. you gonna play or what.....
2011-11-16 16:03:08 - calkid: don't be starting games if you don't even intend to play a couple rounds. this is ridiculous. going to bed. what a waste of my last game....
2011-11-16 17:36:37 - tomtorresson: Good to bed...bitch
2011-11-16 17:36:53 - tomtorresson: Casual means just that...dumb ass
2011-11-16 17:37:08 - tomtorresson: I started, had some time to play, and ended up doing something else for a little.
2011-11-16 17:37:20 - tomtorresson: Rest assured I'll be back BEFORE my 24 hours is done
2011-11-16 17:39:47 - tomtorresson received 4 troops for 14 regions

Now I wouldn't feel ok if I make game, and someone join it and after 4 minutes he starts to complain that I'm slow. After all he joined 24 hours game not 5 min game...

P.S. Since this is a game we play when we want not when someone else wants ;)
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:31 pm

Its not the time that was used that is the question. It is the fact that he held Calkid hostage and could have ended the game before. That is against the rules.Whether the hostage took 15 minutes or 15 days is irrelevant. It is against the rules. Tom should have just ended the game, foed, and moved on.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby AAFitz on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:48 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Its not the time that was used that is the question. It is the fact that he held Calkid hostage and could have ended the game before. That is against the rules.Whether the hostage took 15 minutes or 15 days is irrelevant. It is against the rules. Tom should have just ended the game, foed, and moved on.

Absolutely. Its of course against the rules, though Tom could suggest it was his strategy.

In the end, the guy deserved it 100%. His initial complaints were completely off base, and his failure to accept that is obvious.

He had the option of paying $25 and playing speed games, but chose to complain essentially, that he was too cheap to pay, and then complain about the service he was getting for free, and further, taking it out on someone who was actually making quick turns.

Tom may very well may have broken the rules, and may even deserve the warning or whatever, but its awesome to see the guy got exactly what he asked for, which is at this point, is everyone seeing him for what he is.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby AAFitz on Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:50 pm

calkid wrote:awwww poor baby. was exposed for the pitifull person you are. go have your mommy change your diapers.

thanks for giving in and appologizing for your poor game play and ending the game. i appreciated that. now you can abuse the other players that join your games

now he's stalking me....
Invitation from tomtorresson expires in 23:53:18

what an idiot.....

You were the one exposed. Any real player on this site is applauding Tom.

If you want a quick game, just pay the money like the rest of us. If not, STFU. Its really that simple. :roll:

I kind of hope anyone that reads this does the same thing to you. :D

As a side note: Google narcissistic. This is meant to be helpful, just so you know. O:)

Whats really funny here is that he only needed 30 hours to demolish you, and you thought that was him dragging it out. All he really had to do was wait the 24 hours for each turn, and youd have waited for days.

Where you owed thanks, you gave complaints, and in your words, have been exposed.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby IcePack on Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:05 pm

Agreed. I was in agreement with Tom until he had 150+/- troops vs 1 and didn't end it.

They both need to STFU and FAMO and calkid needs to pay or be much more patient.

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Re: tomtorresson

Postby calkid on Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:24 pm

who cares what i said in game chat? what i said or what he said is irrelevant. this is not why i chose to report the game. i like egging people on. it's my style. people get pissed and emotional and i take advantage. my low ratings show for that because i have built a certain rep.

HOWEVER, what he did was out of line and childish. him wanting an oppology or refusing to end the game? that is just nonsense.

now sure, i can pay for premium, but right now, i enjoy only playing 4 games at a time. it's worth it to me so i can concentrate on 4 games rather than 50. that is my choice. why is me not being premium even an issue? why is the game chat even an issue?

people may applaud tom, but whoever does is encouraging that behavior and tells a lot about that person. i am gonna wait to see what the ruling is on this. like i said before. if it's acceptable, i am doing it in all my games from now on.

so to sum this up, this has nothing to do with the chat. he talked more shit about me in this thread and in game chat than i ever did. i wanted him to play his first turn right away? BIG DEAL! what happens in chat is one thing. what happens in a game is a whole other issue.

p.s.- i didn't mind it that he held me prisoner while attacking the neutral territories. what i minded was after the board was cleared of all the neutral territories, he decides to surround my one many with 150 of his armies for no good reason other than his lame excuse of what i originally said in chat. so holding me hostage is one thing. threatening me to apologize and never ending the game is another. he specifically stated flat out that he would NOT end the game unless i appologized. that is around the time i submitted my report.
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Re: tomtorresson

Postby GoranZ on Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:03 pm

calkid wrote:i like egging people on. it's my style. people get pissed and emotional and i take advantage. my low ratings show for that because i have built a certain rep.

HOWEVER, what he did was out of line and childish.

You irritate people before they start the game... nice strategy for a kid lol

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Re: tomtorresson

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 pm

I am afraid that CC is going to have to get a license for operating a child care service. You have to learn to play nice with each other.

tomtorresson has not made a habit of holding people hostage in games so I am going to NOTE this report.
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