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doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame* [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:02 am
by MGSteve


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Wall Flaming is the term, I guess.

Game number(s):


Comments: I found this on my wall today: You're a cock sucking faggot Posted by doobiesnack We played one speed game with no indication of any hard feelings until this. I removed the post and added him to my foes list and can't find the game number now. Hopefully that will keep any other problems away. I just don't want people to have to see this when they are at my wall.


Re: doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame*

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:11 am
by TheForgivenOne
MGSteve wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Wall Flaming is the term, I guess.

Game number(s):


Comments: I found this on my wall today: You're a cock sucking faggot Posted by doobiesnack We played one speed game with no indication of any hard feelings until this. I removed the post and added him to my foes list and can't find the game number now. Hopefully that will keep any other problems away. I just don't want people to have to see this when they are at my wall.

Um, I'd suggest removing it from the title of your Report. I thought you were calling him one when I saw it.


Re: doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame* [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:40 am
by Karl_R_Kroenen
doobiesnackfresh = WARNED for bigotry

Re: doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame* [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:43 am
by greenoaks
MGSteve wrote:
Comments: I found this on my wall today: You're a cock sucking faggot Posted by doobiesnack We played one speed game with no indication of any hard feelings until this. I removed the post and added him to my foes list and can't find the game number now. Hopefully that will keep any other problems away. I just don't want people to have to see this when they are at my wall.


what's the problem, they're the best kind O:)

Re: doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame* [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:01 pm
by Butters1919
I had posted a "ratings abuse" about him. viewtopic.php?f=239&t=155577

he had left a similar comment on my wall.

perhaps these two events will lead to something more than the proverbial slap on the wrist.

Re: doobiesnackfresh Wall Flame* [WARNED] KRK

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:14 am
by MGSteve
Thank you for the attention to this and I apologize for not removing the comment from the title as I had meant to do. I don't mind foul language and a little silly foolishness but just don't want to have it on my wall where it could offend people.