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Kill_all_nazi/terminator_hoyle others - multis [BUSTED]

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:54 am
by maxpower17
Subject line: Kill_all_nazi/terminator_hoyle - multi accounts

These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: Kill_all_nazi/terminator_hoyle

Game number:

Comments: It's obvoius that this guy is using multiple accounts. Their turns are seconds apart and they have done the same thing in games before this.
Please boot these cheaters out!!!


PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:39 am
by k7sw
He seems to have several other accounts as well. Note several 3 player assassin matches with the same accounts (inflames, terminater, stinger) which he won all of, some of which the other account eliminated the final player so that he could win.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:10 am
by Master Bush
Kill_all_nazi, terminator_hoyle & The_highlander10 have all been BUSTED as multis.