Conquer Club


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Postby Federals on Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:55 am


Speed Game 9929974

This player jaylou, plays out of angers and frustrations and when he is at an disadvantage he takes it out on the best player or the next best players. In this Fog game he destroys my huge troops and gives away my position/troop counts and tells other players where my troops are leading to. Now all the times ive been playing conquer i have seen folks get mad and of course ive mad sometimes but not this kind of act. This is a three to four hour game and to end like this, it just boils my blood. This guy should be looked at and watch out for this guy.

Im not sure if this is cheating but game play like this below; he should be booted. I'm a premium member and i wanna keep playing but folks like these are just here to ruin a good time. If more people like this guy comes around and are not taken care of I may not be back for a third year.

jaylou: gg yellow u go this 1
2011-10-17 20:52:58 - nesta: No.I'm the weakest one here
2011-10-17 20:59:12 - jaylou: nope ur not green wanted to put 170 men at me so i pout mine and killed us both gg yellow
2011-10-17 20:59:37 - jaylou: like china green
2011-10-17 21:00:16 - Federals: like korea
2011-10-17 21:00:17 - jaylou: gg yellow u got this 1
2011-10-17 21:00:49 - Federals: yes yellow i cant believe red gonna give the game to yellow
2011-10-17 21:01:27 - jaylou: yup i will gg yellwo
2011-10-17 21:05:26 - jaylou: gg yellow iam out
2011-10-17 21:06:00 - jaylou: green has onl;y 30 men in chian
2011-10-17 21:06:01 - jaylou: gg
2011-10-17 21:06:14 - jaylou: sending 18 to aust
2011-10-17 21:06:18 - jaylou: use ur 30 gg
2011-10-17 21:06:28 - nesta: gg lads
2011-10-17 21:07:17 - Federals: what a bitch move red
2011-10-17 21:07:30 - Federals: your an true asshole
2011-10-17 21:08:46 - jaylou: ok all he has is aust
2011-10-17 21:08:54 - jaylou: i have all 1's main;y gg yllow
2011-10-17 21:09:21 - Federals: im gonna report for sore losers ass.
2011-10-17 21:10:23 - Federals: all the times ive been playing ive seen punks and sore losers but none the worst like you
2011-10-17 21:17:29 - nesta: Shouldn't be doing that red.It's not fair play

Please let me know what everyone thinks.

Game number(s):9929974

Sergeant 1st Class Federals
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:28 pm


Postby chapcrap on Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:05 am

Federals wrote:Accused:jaylou

Speed Game Game 9929974

This player jaylou, plays out of angers and frustrations and when he is at an disadvantage he takes it out on the best player or the next best players. In this Fog game he destroys my huge troops and gives away my position/troop counts and tells other players where my troops are leading to. Now all the times ive been playing conquer i have seen folks get mad and of course ive mad sometimes but not this kind of act. This is a three to four hour game and to end like this, it just boils my blood. This guy should be looked at and watch out for this guy.

Im not sure if this is cheating but game play like this below; he should be booted. I'm a premium member and i wanna keep playing but folks like these are just here to ruin a good time. If more people like this guy comes around and are not taken care of I may not be back for a third year.

jaylou: gg yellow u go this 1
2011-10-17 20:52:58 - nesta: No.I'm the weakest one here
2011-10-17 20:59:12 - jaylou: nope ur not green wanted to put 170 men at me so i pout mine and killed us both gg yellow
2011-10-17 20:59:37 - jaylou: like china green
2011-10-17 21:00:16 - Federals: like korea
2011-10-17 21:00:17 - jaylou: gg yellow u got this 1
2011-10-17 21:00:49 - Federals: yes yellow i cant believe red gonna give the game to yellow
2011-10-17 21:01:27 - jaylou: yup i will gg yellwo
2011-10-17 21:05:26 - jaylou: gg yellow iam out
2011-10-17 21:06:00 - jaylou: green has onl;y 30 men in chian
2011-10-17 21:06:01 - jaylou: gg
2011-10-17 21:06:14 - jaylou: sending 18 to aust
2011-10-17 21:06:18 - jaylou: use ur 30 gg
2011-10-17 21:06:28 - nesta: gg lads
2011-10-17 21:07:17 - Federals: what a bitch move red
2011-10-17 21:07:30 - Federals: your an true asshole
2011-10-17 21:08:46 - jaylou: ok all he has is aust
2011-10-17 21:08:54 - jaylou: i have all 1's main;y gg yllow
2011-10-17 21:09:21 - Federals: im gonna report for sore losers ass.
2011-10-17 21:10:23 - Federals: all the times ive been playing ive seen punks and sore losers but none the worst like you
2011-10-17 21:17:29 - nesta: Shouldn't be doing that red.It's not fair play

Please let me know what everyone thinks.

Game number(s):Game 9929974


Added links. It's not against the rules to give away information in FOW games. For all anyone knows, he could have been lying instead of telling the truth. Most would say it's dirty, especially if he's being vindictive, but it's not against the rules. You can just Foe him and rate him how you feel he deserves.
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Postby b00060 on Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:36 pm

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Postby Evil Semp on Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:47 pm

It is not against the rules to say where an opponents troops are located. I suggest rating him accordingly and if you like you can also FOE him. I am marking this one CLOSED.
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Postby Federals on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:25 pm

really! okay. So your saying in fog games i can tell they other players troops counts. good to know. will use that for my advantage next time.
Sergeant 1st Class Federals
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:28 pm


Postby Evil Semp on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:57 pm

Federals wrote:really! okay. So your saying in fog games i can tell they other players troops counts. good to know. will use that for my advantage next time.

Yes you can. Some people think it is a cheap tactic and rate accordingly while others use it to try to confuse the others in the game.
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Sergeant 1st Class Evil Semp
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