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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby Forty on Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:57 am


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: Rating abuse

Game number(s):

Game 9869727
Game 9822982
Game 9840915


And see all other games where nobody talked in the chat...
Giving 1 star because he didn't recieve a greeting (in his own words) is a joke.
Ratings Abuse!
Please have his rating removed on me. Very unjustified!
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Re: Fabrice

Postby jeraado on Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:16 am

In order to be penalised for ratings abuse there needs to be a pattern of clearly unjustified ratings (e.g. rating 1-1-1 for anyone who beats you). I had a quick scan through his ratings and although he seems to be a low-rater, I can't see a pattern of abuse there. If you want to pursue this C&A case you'll need to identify several (at least 5) instances where the accused has provided obviously unjustified ratings. The mods won't remove an individual rating as you've requested.

The good news is that really the impact of that one rating is almost unnoticeable. Other than to filter out players with a terrible average rating, they're rarely used and as your game numbers go up the impact of an individual bad rating on your overall score is negligible. If it really bothers you, you could always try PMing the person who rated you asking them to consider removing it (some people will respond to this, although you might want to remove your response to the rating first), but really I'd suggest just moving on. You'll always get the odd person who rates you poorly no matter how nice you try to be, and since they can only ever rate you once it isn't worth worrying about.
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Re: Fabrice

Postby Forty on Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:57 am

If you don't see the pattern, clearly you didn't look very hard.
Anytime there is no game chat, he gives 1 star with the comment "silent"
On top of my 3 previous examples:
9803285 (for both opponents)
9731964 (for both opponents)

Also, you are very poor at identifying patterns obviously. I do not give 1-1-1 everytime I lose.
If you LOOK, you will see that those people extended games by taking neutrals for no reason, just to get a bonus I guess.
So before you acuse, get your facts. I've talked to CC about that already, and they are justified.

I have, before my true comment, and he was unwilling.

Principal my friend, principal.
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Re: Fabrice

Postby jeraado on Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:22 am

Firstly, I haven't accused you of ratings abuse, I simply used the hypothetical leaving of 1-1-1 ratings as an example of what would be ratings abuse. I don't see it here.

The accused is providing a low rating for only one particular aspect (attitude), apparently based on a very specific criteria (silent play). Since there is no objective ratings scale, it is left to player discretion to decide what constitutes good or bad attitude. This player evidently believes that being silent warrants a bad attitude rating, and is rating people accordingly. In the games you've posted the players were silent, they were given the silent tag, and the players were rated according to the player's perception that silence indicates poor attitude.

Ratings abuse occurs when a player is obviously misusing the ratings system. Since ratings are subjective, the threshold for a rating to be considered inappropriate is high. In my opinion, that threshold has not been reached here, and therefore there isn't a pattern of rating abuse.
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Re: Fabrice

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:53 pm

Forty wrote:If you don't see the pattern, clearly you didn't look very hard.
Anytime there is no game chat, he gives 1 star with the comment "silent"
On top of my 3 previous examples:
9803285 (for both opponents)
9731964 (for both opponents)

Also, you are very poor at identifying patterns obviously. I do not give 1-1-1 everytime I lose.
If you LOOK, you will see that those people extended games by taking neutrals for no reason, just to get a bonus I guess.
So before you acuse, get your facts. I've talked to CC about that already, and they are justified.

I have, before my true comment, and he was unwilling.

Principal my friend, principal.

So if people don't post a single thing in game chat, that doesn't make them silent? :-s
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Re: Fabrice

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:26 pm

Forty wrote:If you don't see the pattern, clearly you didn't look very hard.
Anytime there is no game chat, he gives 1 star with the comment "silent"

There is no pattern of abuse here. Fabrice has what he feels is a reasonable explanation for his rating.

A pattern of abuse would be if he rated everyone he played a 1 for attitude or a 1 for game play.

Fabrice is CLEARED of ratings abuse.
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