Okay, let's take it from the top.
First, aad0906, to refer to smestelle236 in the effeminate instead of the masculine [or gender neutral], especially after their being referred to as "[a] guy" is offensive and unnecessary. I understand you're upset, but literally verbally emasculating someone isn't a good way to make your case.
Yes, Iron Carrot does know them both well. Because Iron Carrot, smestelle236, josh48, Saltlick, coombsbp, nannyberries and myself all play together almost exclusively. It's not collusion, we're not alts or multi's or whatever. We are all friends who don't get to hang out often enough, so we started playing Conquer Club together.
Here, to make this as simple as possible, I've made a chart.
http://bit.ly/niPzlt (It's a google docs link, I promise.)
I'm going to assume from this point forward you've at least taken a moment to look at the chart. Now, if I had API or SQL access I could've done a lot more with this, but I don't.. so you'll have to deal with what I could pull out in 10 minutes.
If you'll notice I've highlighted the ratio of our games with smestelle236. We've all played 70%+ of our games with him. I didn't want to waste hours pulling win/loss ratios or total percentage of games with one or more members of the set.. but point being.. we play together a LOT.
Now, back to this particular complaint, josh48 actually plays a fewer percentage of his games with smestelle236 than everyone but Iron Carrot and I. (And frankly Iron Carrot shouldn't count for anything statistically, as he has so few games.) That's the core of this complaint, they play together a lot. Well, we all do. Are you going to keep any of us from playing together?
Typically if we're playing with people outside this group it's because one or more of us missed the invite period. We aren't secretly helping each other, we aren't making truces. We just know each other well enough to know what the other will usually do.
What's my point? Well, by keeping josh48 and smestelle236 from playing together you're effectively prohibiting all of us from playing together. I don't know how many of us actually purchased premium, but I know I only got it because I kept missing too many of 'our' games.
So, aad0906, if you have anything constructive to add, please do. Otherwise, I would please request that this gets reconsidered. I do know smestelle236 and what Iron Carrot said is quite true, he simply does not abide losing. Not to us, not to anyone. If he's propping anyone up, it's simply to win not out of any fondness.