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Jaywalker, tradinghawk [Cleared]

Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:35 am
by Jaybird201
Reason: Suspected of having a secret alliance
Suspected: Jaywalker, tradinghawk
Game number:
Comments: Borders were completely open between them. Light Blue built up armies against me while Pink took over rest of the map and then proceeded to take over his area and Light Blue didn't put up a fight. Also, both were loudmouths, which led me to believe they were both the same person.
My ID: Jaybird201

Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:05 am
by Jaywalker
You cannot be serious. This is by far the dumbest thing I've heard in my short tenure in CC. What borders were left open? There was only one border that we shared (Sakha/Alaska) and we've gone back and forth there. Not only did I not build an army against you (you built an army against me), it was YOU that never attacked pink until you broke a stupid alliance with him. It truly is no mystery why you are about to finish your 70th game and you're still a private with a terrible score. This charge should be ignored and dismissed. It's players like you that might discourage new players with a genuine interest in this game. I would put this player on my ignore list, but I might need an easy win sometime in the near future to raise my spirits.

Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:25 pm
by b.k. barunt
I scanned the whole log, and it looks to me like this is just another whining sore loser. People like you are very quick to call someone a cheat, and i seriously doubt if you are so bold off of the internet. But hey, that's just my opinion. Jaywalker, from the chat, it looks like you were doing the same thing during the game. I gotta tell you, only sniveling cheesewankers threaten to give negative feedback during a game - never seen a non-cheesewanker do it. So my assessment of this thread (yea, yea i know neither of you want to hear it) is that this is 2 whining cheesewankers having a hissy fit with each other.

Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:01 pm
by Jaywalker
I announced that I was going to give negative feedback to wenjie because he and tradinghawk had mutual borders that went undefended and untouched for the majority of the game without an announced alliance or explained reason. It is my understanding negative feedback is called for in that situation. I didn't wank any cheese. I followed the rules as I understood them. You guys make it really hard for new guys to stick around this game. The game.....I love. The people......not so much. I hope it changes for the better.

Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:31 am
by b.k. barunt
I apologize for calling you a cheesewanker. But you might want to pay attention and learn some more about the dynamics of the game before you pop off at someone. When i first started playing on this site, i expected everyone to play like me, i.e. don't let anyone take a continent with impunity. When i would see someone take a continent while his neighbor stood by and let him hold it, i would get pissed. After playing on the site for a while, i found the dynamics of the game to be a bit different from what i was used to. Now i frequently will let someone hold a continent when i could break in. I rarely make alliances, but frequently will refrain from attacking someone if i think it will be advantageous for me. This could go on till it's only me and that person left, and yet we have never spoken a word to each other. Someone like you would deem that to be a secret alliance, but a secret alliance needs to be discussed either during the game or prior to it. Tacit (unspoken) alliances are a part of the game, and happen quite often. I've only had one person threaten me with nf, and i gave him one for doing so. Watch how people play for a while, and hold off on the judgements.

Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:16 am
by Fireside Poet
Accused: Jaywalker, tradinghawk
Verdict: Cleared of multi ... cleared of secret alliance
Feel free to use the negative feedback and ignore options at your discretion.