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Suspected Multis - mattrix and mattro [Busted]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:43 pm
by BeastofBurson
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: mattrix and mattro

Game number:

Comments: they are not attacking each other leaving singles side by side with each other.....
the names are too close....they joined only 5 days apart....both from Australia....if they are not my bad...but sure looks fishy to me


goes to show

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:53 pm
by BeastofBurson
so much for reporting possible multi's

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:04 am
by Fireside Poet
Accused: mattrix and mattro
Verdict: Guilty of multiple accounts. Actually, it is mattyo and not mattro.
