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lazykid13, assassin13, RISK02703 [Already BUSTED]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:43 am
by Squirly
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: lazykid13, assassin13, RISK02703

Game number:

Comments: Strange moves, play in the same games together, usually protecting the slightly higher ranked lazykid13.


Multis or secret alliance

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:32 am
by Luke035
I was in this game also and I have to admit that the game log looks fishy with regard to these three in terms of when they took their turns and the limited attacking they did to each other.

They may or may not have be multis, but at the very least, they are friends who had a secret alliance with each other.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:23 am
by Truck
I was in a game with these three players(294186).I was systematically attacked by every player until I was eliminated.
Either a multi or at least working together secretly.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:24 am
by luckyderus
I agree game #248992. It was the classic map and I was eliminated in Rd. 3. And anyone who has played this map knows that a 3 player game in this map it is hard but not impossible to be eliminated in Rd.3.