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Suspected multi: gamblor21 and slydell [Blocked]

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:13 pm
by BearWith
These are suspected Multis

Suspect users: gamblor21 and slydell

Game number: 296632

Comments: The usual...takes turns 3 seconds apart...fortify each other's borders and basically act as one team.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:49 pm
by sully800
Hmmm, I would ordinarily just view them as friends and say they are cleared with no hesitation.

But then I read the game chat and saw
Game Chat wrote:2007-03-21 14:36:58 - BearWith: pink is the one playing right after you, not the other way around...tell me you don't know each other if you aren't the same person?
2007-03-21 14:42:51 - gamblor21: I have no idea who he is. I could also care less who he is

That is certainly a lie. So I am going to block these two from playing together. If he doesn't know slydell then that shouldn't cause any problems.