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nhulbert and danhulbert seperate doubles team [cleared]

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nhulbert and danhulbert seperate doubles team [cleared]

Postby TJS2025X on Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:17 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Dishonest doubles tactics. I have never played doubles against these two teams and not cannot wait to get out of the game. I play for a good strategic battle and victories are just icing on the cake. In this 4 team doubles game, Team 3 and 4 have played to win, but once the play has determined who was on the outs between them, they ensured the other is going to win. Apparently two brothers play on each team. They do go after each other but just wreck the spirit of the game for other teams. I have been prevented over and over again to attack dominate team from walking away with this game, but his brother has ensured this could not occur. Instead they have come after us, the weaker of the 2 dominate teams on the board.

I realize a moderator cannot view all the individual plays leading up to the current round to paint the true picture of what has happened. Please query the database and locate games they have played together. I suspect disproportionate victories. Frustrating as when I join a game I expect not to have the deck stacked against me for some good strategic play. If I knew going into this game what would happened I could have taken screenshots of all rounds up until now.

I am calling this out now to not sound like sour grapes when the game ends. My team has 70 years of experience playing risk and we know what we are doing, although only joining Conquer Club only a few years ago.

Game number(s):

Game 9482563

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Re: nhulbert and danhulbert seperate doubles team but collus

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:59 am

all the names are quite similar. Anything to that?
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Re: nhulbert and danhulbert seperate doubles team but collus

Postby king achilles on Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:32 am

This is inconclusive. Right now, I can see teams trying to establish a position. Team 3 has their borders protected and I don't think team 4 can just go in and make an attack. People can play defensively and just wait for the right time to become aggressive. As for being brothers on opposing teams, I checked their only 3 other team games where they played in different teams and they seem to play fairly in them. This is cleared.
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