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Unjustifiable feedback.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:26 pm
by hobojjr
So yah, being so good at this game gets you a personals haters club :)

So I got this feedback for 'ruining a good game'

actual feedback:
"starts an rt game and decides to dissapear for 90 minutes causing other
players to destroy what was turning out to be a really good game"

There are a number of incorrect statements in this feedback:

1) I only was gone for 35 minutes since my turn began.

game log:
"2007-03-19 02:20:27 - richardgarr gets a card
2007-03-19 02:55:29 - hobojjr receives 3 armies for holding Green"

2) I announced my leave well in advance.

game chat log:

"2007-03-19 01:29:50 - hobojjr : ok, I have to go soon!
2007-03-19 01:34:55 - sportdaqking: if u have 2 go why fortify?"

3) Everyone was waiting on green to move.

"2007-03-19 01:57:29 - hobojjr : oh well gtg... be back in an hour
2007-03-19 01:57:29 - sportdaqking: just like u will with your 5
2007-03-19 01:58:04 - sportdaqking: green it is rt
2007-03-19 01:58:18 - sportdaqking: not rt plus 5 mins
2007-03-19 01:59:58 - sportdaqking: greens not in the forum
2007-03-19 02:01:13 - richardgarr: green?"

***NOTICE NO OBJECTIONS TO MY LEAVE AND I was gone for less than an hour since my turn began. So I did not 'dead beat' as I did not miss any turns***

4) I did not cause other players to destroy the game.
quote from the feed back "causing other players to destroy what was turning out to be a really good game"

game log:
2007-03-19 02:09:53 - Razox attacked Center-D from Purple-D and conquered it from sportdaqking
2007-03-19 02:10:05 - Razox attacked Center-J from Center-D and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 02:10:52 - Razox attacked Center-N from Center-J and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 02:11:12 - Razox attacked Center-P from Center-N and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 02:11:56 - Razox fortified Center-P with 21 armies from Purple-E
2007-03-19 02:12:12 - Razox fortified Center-P with 13 armies from Purple-F
2007-03-19 02:12:19 - Razox gets a card"

*** as you can see green attacks and then fortifies on blue ***

"2007-03-19 02:13:05 - richardgarr deployed 31 armies on Center-R
2007-03-19 02:13:17 - richardgarr attacked Center-K from Center-R and conquered it from Razox
2007-03-19 02:13:34 - richardgarr attacked Center-N from Center-K and conquered it from Razox"

*** as you can see blue attacks green with everything to the point of almost eliminating green ***

mean while in the game chat:

"2007-03-19 02:09:57 - sportdaqking: waiting 15 minutes 4 u on real time is not acceptable please stay with the game
2007-03-19 02:10:37 - Razox: sorry
2007-03-19 02:10:53 - sportdaqking: green wants your 5 cards blue
2007-03-19 02:12:28 - Razox: kill me
2007-03-19 02:13:28 - sportdaqking: now blue gets your 5 cards
2007-03-19 02:14:44 - sportdaqking: if u get green game to you blue"

*** notice that there is no talk about me being away. In fact, blue would have won the game had he succeeded in eliminating green because then he would have come after me and got additional set!!! And he almost did eliminate green, all was left was four 1 maned locations, which he now protected ***

game log:
2007-03-19 02:58:18 - hobojjr deployed 37 armies on Center-L
2007-03-19 02:58:28 - hobojjr attacked Center-F from Center-L and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 02:59:27 - hobojjr attacked Center-B from Center-F and conquered it from Razox
2007-03-19 03:00:10 - hobojjr attacked Purple-F from Center-B and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 03:00:25 - hobojjr attacked Purple-C from Purple-F and conquered it from Razox
2007-03-19 03:00:39 - hobojjr attacked Purple-A from Purple-C and conquered it from Razox
2007-03-19 03:00:58 - hobojjr attacked Center-S from Center-L and conquered it from richardgarr
2007-03-19 03:01:12 - hobojjr attacked Center-W from Center-S and conquered it from Razox
2007-03-19 03:01:12 - hobojjr eliminated Razox from the game"

***On my turn I eliminated both green and blue, and as you can see I had to go through blue to get to green ***

*** So, as you can see, I had no effect on green's or blue's attacks ***

Therefore, the feedback from red is unjustified because his claims are false.

Once again the feedback by sportdaking for the game 301620

starts an rt game and decides to dissapear for 90 minutes causing other players to destroy what was turning out to be a really good game


is an rt meant to be real time

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:28 pm
by sportdaqking
if someone starts an rt game they must be prepared to finish it that is why its called real time.

We were trying to find out where green had gone when i read this comment:-
2007-03-19 01:57:29 - hobojjr: oh well gtg... be back in an hour

An hours break is not real time.

Blue ended his go

2007-03-19 02:20:27 - richardgarr gets a card

Then yellow comes back at this time and starts his go at
2007-03-19 02:55:29 - hobojjr receives 3 armies for holding Green

At no time did he ask us if anyone minded if he left for an hour. He sneaked the comment in while we wondered where green had gone.
We gave green 15 minutes to return.

The conversation went like this as he had gone into gabbley
2007-03-19 02:07:22 - sportdaqking: 2 more minutes then thats 15mins hes been gone
2007-03-19 02:07:44 - sportdaqking: u here yellow?
2007-03-19 02:08:33 - richardgarr: i went to chat he is still there
2007-03-19 02:08:47 - sportdaqking: ok 15minute dead beat looks like this game is going to normal everyone agree?
2007-03-19 02:09:28 - sportdaqking: did u tell him to go
2007-03-19 02:09:50 - richardgarr: yay !!!
2007-03-19 02:09:57 - sportdaqking: waiting 15 minutes 4 u on real time is not acceptable please stay with the game
2007-03-19 02:10:37 - Razox: sorry

At this point we realised yellow was not there when i read his comment about returning in an hour. So green and blue decided that they would not wait and attacked each other, hoping to die and get out of the game as yellow as far as we were concerned had dead beated.

I know a dead beat is someone who misses thier turn but in a rt game as far as I am concerned if you go from your game for an hour you dead beat.

Does anyone agree??

As yellow pointed out no one said anything at the time because no one read it, it was only when it was his go that we realised he had mentioned it.

I stick by my negative feedback and will leave it upto the modifiers to decide if it was uncalled for or not.

Like the man says u read the chat and leave your opinion


Re: is an rt meant to be real time

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:39 pm
by hobojjr
sportdaqking wrote:
The conversation went like this as he had gone into gabbley
2007-03-19 02:07:22 - sportdaqking: 2 more minutes then thats 15mins hes been gone
2007-03-19 02:07:44 - sportdaqking: u here yellow?
2007-03-19 02:08:33 - richardgarr: i went to chat he is still there
2007-03-19 02:08:47 - sportdaqking: ok 15minute dead beat looks like this game is going to normal everyone agree?
2007-03-19 02:09:28 - sportdaqking: did u tell him to go
2007-03-19 02:09:50 - richardgarr: yay !!!
2007-03-19 02:09:57 - sportdaqking: waiting 15 minutes 4 u on real time is not acceptable please stay with the game
2007-03-19 02:10:37 - Razox: sorry

At this point we realised yellow was not there when i read his comment about returning in an hour. So green and blue decided that they would not wait and attacked each other, hoping to die and get out of the game as yellow as far as we were concerned had dead beated.

NOPE.... the chat was after green moved... so what you are saying is that they had a secrete chat where they decided to attack each other? Don't put words in their mouths ok? Blue did what was best at that time - to take out blue but he failed. No where in the chat did anyone complain about me leaving.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:47 pm
by sportdaqking
nobody agreed to you leaving either you just stuck it in and hoped that no one would notice, also noone notices that someone is not there until its there go.

At the end of the day you left an rt game which is not right as no one else agreed to it

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:50 pm
by sportdaqking
i asked a major the question about rt and leaving for an hour and I am sorry i should not call u a dead beat as that is not what u did.

In his words it was an assholes move

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:02 pm
by hobojjr
Ok listen... this was not freestyle, so me being away on my turn has no effect on what they did before my move. Do you understand that? No where in the chat did they say that they will attack each other because I was away. When green came back he right way attack blue...

Why didn't they decide to take me out??? Because they didn't talk about it. Plain an simple the that turn went on just as it would have. What you are saying is that it is ok for me to wait 30 minutes for my turn but not ok for you?

It took half an hour for the turn to get to me.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:12 pm
by sportdaqking
and half an hour for us to wait 4 u to return.

The main thing is IT WAS REAL TIME, who gave you the right to decide that its ok to dissapear while we are waiting for our gos, at least green had the decency to appologise when he came back but you just left for an HOUR

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:13 pm
by sportdaqking
also u had to wait 30 minutes while people took thier go we had to wait 30 minutes for u to come back

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:20 pm
by hobojjr
sportdaqking wrote:also u had to wait 30 minutes while people took thier go we had to wait 30 minutes for u to come back

I though you said they didn't wait... so once again you are saying that you have the right to make me wait half an hour for my turn, but I don't have the same right?

Then I guess you are right. Silly me.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:38 pm
by sportdaqking
we would have waited for you to take you go BUT YOU HAD LEFT

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:41 pm
by gforce
when joining a realtime you agree to be there the entire time. thats why its called a rt, you left, which got you neg feedback. get over it.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:46 pm
by hobojjr
sportdaqking wrote:we would have waited for you to take you go BUT YOU HAD LEFT

So what difference would it have made for the game if I took my turn right after they moved or 23 hours later? I point here is that it didn't matter. Blue tried to take out green but failed, and it had nothing to do with me leaving for 30 minutes.

gforce wrote:when joining a realtime you agree to be there the entire time. thats why its called a rt, you left, which got you neg feedback. get over it.

I also I agree to the fact that I don't have to wait half an hour for my turn. So when did this RT game ended to be rt? When I left for 30 minutes or when I waited for 30 minutes for my turn???

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:57 pm
by sportdaqking
listen u MUPPET The point is it was a real time game now go and bug someone else u brain dead imbecile

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:58 pm
by gforce
but when you were waiting the game was moving along with 5 other people making their moves, they had to wait 30 min just for you to even start

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:05 pm
by sportdaqking
thank you g force at least some1 can understand what i am trying to tell him

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:30 pm
by hobojjr
sportdaqking wrote:thank you g force at least some1 can understand what i am trying to tell him

What what I'm trying to tell you is that when blue failed to take over green the game was over. And it didn't matter whether or not I was away or whether or not it was an RT( it was a public game....)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:02 pm
by sportdaqking
your the only one who thought it was public seeing as it was posted as rt in the gabbley chat. any way why would that be cheating or abuse?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:41 pm
by hobojjr
sportdaqking wrote:your the only one who thought it was public seeing as it was posted as rt in the gabbley chat. any way why would that be cheating or abuse?

Because you feedback is false and irrelevant:

"Feedback Guidelines

* Leave only fair and factual comments that relate to a specific game.
* Do not leave feedback for trivial things like missing a turn."