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Yorgil, Camcom123 (Intentional deadbeating)[noted]KRK

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:27 pm
by Melichor


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentional Deadbeating

Game number(s):

Game 9492459

Comments: Started a game with the two of these players, and neither player has taken a turn, in fact they are apparently friends (maybe) and one of them stated in chat "2011-07-29 21:35:06 - Camcom123: Sorry dude,but we're gonna bail,we're trying to have a game with a friend"

I know that sometimes (especially in a speedgame) RL happens and you cannot take your turn (damn wife/baby aggro) but this game could have been played out most likely long before it is going to take for them to blow through the 72 hours each to deadbeat out. Hell one of them could have won and gotten some points. I don't know if they are multis so I didn't include any of that.

Thank you

Re: Yorgil, Camcom123 (Intentional deadbeating)[pending]KRK

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:02 am
by Karl_R_Kroenen
camcom123 = Noted
yorgil = waiting for final kick..noted

Re: Yorgil, Camcom123 (Intentional deadbeating)[pending]KRK

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:56 pm
by Melichor
Thank you for looking into it, as of now both players have been kicked for deadbeating so I "won" but despite some people saying "hey there is some free points" as you can tell from my fluctuating score I don't really care about the points, I want to play a good game. So sour victory I guess.